Spend Time And Effort In Doing Proper Keyword Research
Search engine ranking of every website depend on keywords as search engines such as Google rank websites based on keywords they are targeting. Targeting a wrong keyword will only waste your time and effort. So, before you start your website, it’s important you should do proper keyword research so; you can build your site around the right keywords to get the best results.There are free as well as paid tools available for doing keyword research. If you are looking for a free tool, you can use Google Adword tool. You should find keywords that have sufficient exact search volume but low competition so; you can get ranking in search engines easily. For example, if you are working in a health niche, than targeting a keyword like “weight loss” would be a mistake as you need a lot of time and very high quality back links to get your site in top 10 in Google. So, look for long phrases with good search volume and low competition. If you invest your time in doing keyword research, you will find many key phrases to target to get better ranking in short interval of time.
Now just analyze what is a good keyword. Well, it depends on the niche and the purpose of website. For instance, if you are looking to make a micro niche site than any keyword with exact search volume of 1000 per month will be considered as a good keyword to target. Although, it’s not a very high search volume but targeting such keywords will bring prospective clients/visitors that ultimately turn in to leads.
Analyzing your suitable keyword level of competition is little trickier. Although a lot of people will recommend you to put keyword in Google in quotes to find the number of competing pages to know the competition. Instead, it’s essential to completely evaluate the Top 10 positions in Google for your targeted search term, look for different factors such as the domain age, on page SEO factors, page Rank and number of back links pointing to them.