Now that BuildMyRank and closed their doors for good, there is an influx of customers who are looking for alternative solutions for link building through content and article marketing. Rank Jumpers is one of the BuildMyRank alternatives that is getting a lot of attention.
The main page of the network might not have the best site design, but once you are inside you will feel almost like you are using BMR once again. The concept of Rank Jumpers is much like BMR, but they provide less details and information about where your content and backlinks are coming from, such as the Page Rank. This was a huge benefit of BMR, as everyone really wants to see what Page Rank links they are getting in return for their content and membership price. I’ve seen some other reviews on Rank Jumpers where people can see the PageRank of the sites with their content, but I wasn’t able to find this information when logged into the account. From what others are writing, it looks like there are some PR0 sites in the network and the average placement is on PR1 and PR2 sites.
Compared to the other web sites and services out there, Rank Jumpers doesn’t have the highest “looking” quality web site, as many areas like the contact page aren’t completely functional or the WordPress theme of their site just looks a bit messy. If they want to make a lasting impression in a time when many people are looking to use their service, a quick clean up of their site could do wonders for their business.
Rank Jumpers Pricing Structure
Just like BMR had a membership pricing structure that was based on the amount of domains you wanted to promote, Rank Jumper is setup the same way. You can see a breakdown of their rates below.
- 5 Domains: $57.95 per month
- 10 Domains: $87.95 per month
- 20 Domains: $127.95 per month
Everyone knows that the future of link building networks like BuildMyRank and Rank Jumpers is up in the air. No one is sure if Google will take out all of the competition and destroy the link building industry or not. In the meantime, we will keep reporting on all of the different options and services out there.
Rank Jumpers is planning on closing their doors to new customers on April 2nd, so if you are interested in joining their network, be sure to do so before they close the doors.