53 results search results for "ezoic"

3 Ways to Preparing for the Holiday PPC Season

3 Ways to Preparing for the Holiday PPC Season

It’s just over a month to Christmas, which signifies the most frantic and profitable time of the year for many advertising campaigns. This can be backed up by Ezoic’s Ad Revenue Index, which illustrates the overall demand there is for advertising online – it tends to increase and peak around towards Christmas. It always seem like most ...

Tips to Monetize a Website with PPC

Tips to Monetize a Website with PPC

With the vast majority of website that generate traffic, the most popular way to monetize is through using pay per click advertising. It does not matter how much traffic you generate, you can customize PPC however you would like and, most crucially, it tends to be, by far, the best way to monetize traffic. However, one of the main problems with PPC is ...

Media.net – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

Media.net – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

The last PPC campaign I analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ series was from Mous, who had decided to completely dominated PPC search results, including Google shopping results, to gain as much traffic from the search phrase ‘iphone case’. However, the landing page had both good and bad points associated to it, highlighting ...

Common Mistakes (You Can Avoid) That Have Been Emphasized by the Google Broad Update

Common Mistakes (You Can Avoid) That Have Been Emphasized by the Google Broad Update

If you are passionate about organic traffic or about gaining online exposure without investing in paid ads, you have heard about Google updates and just what sort of an impact they have had along the way. This year, in June, another update has affected digital publishers, which according to Ezoic (1), should not come as a big surprise. It is called the ...

3 Must Have Plugins for WordPress Websites

3 Must Have Plugins for WordPress Websites

I am sure you are going to find many articles online that highlight the importance of having certain types of plugins on your website. Such types of plugins would include spam filters, SEO wizards and plugins that give your website more functionality. However, more critical than these plugins are the plugins that enable your website to simply be. By this, ...

Where is the Future of PPC Advertising?

Where is the Future of PPC Advertising?

When you look at where PPC was 10 years ago to now, it is quite scary to see just how much the most popular advertising platform has changed (being Google AdWords and AdSense). It also begs the question where does the future of PPC lie? Has PPC advertising stagnated with its innovation or will it be able to adapt to better target audiences and gain ...

4 Upcoming PPC Trends for 2019

4 Upcoming PPC Trends for 2019

It has been another crazy year for PPC advertising, with many improvements and areas of innovation for both advertisers and publishers. It was only this year that Google released ‘Auto Ads’ for AdSense, to use machine learning to auto-optimize the placeholders of publisher adverts, similar to what Ezoic has been doing for a while. Without ...

Pros and Cons to Google Adsense Auto Ads

Pros and Cons to Google Adsense Auto Ads

Artificial intelligence and machine learning is a powerful tool that is seeping its way into the advertising industry. Already, we have seen the liked of Ezoic take full advantage of this, implementing machine learning to improve the earnings publishers receive, as well as user experience on the website. For example, somebody visiting a website at 6pm in ...

Why AMP Might Actually Be Bad For Websites

Why AMP Might Actually Be Bad For Websites

This does seem quite counter intuitive to say that AMP is bad. I recently wrote an article outlining the main pros and cons associated with adopting AMP for mobile web pages. They increase search engine ranking, loading speed and decrease the load on your hosting servers. However, with them comes a lack/decrease of ads, the lack of ability to analyse ...

Preparing a Website for Q4: Holiday Rush of Traffic

Preparing a Website for Q4: Holiday Rush of Traffic

Back at the start of August, I wrote an article explaining why it is completely natural for a website to lose revenue during the summer season. Both budget cycles from advertising campaigns starting/finishing, coupled with seasonal changes generally cause the EPMV (earnings per thousand visitors) to drop temporarily. This is generally why most bloggers and ...