Web owners who use pay per click programs such as Google Adsense to generate revenue may be under-achieving if they have not optimised the Adsense adverts on their respective website. The problem that many publishers face is how to actually improve the CTR, CPC and overall earnings Adsense adverts are producing. After all, every website is different. Therefore, an optimisation for one website may not work on another. However, this article looks to solve this problem. Below are some optimisation tips for Google Adsense adverts which can hopefully work for the majority of websites out there.
Three Adverts is a Must
One rule Google Adsense users have to obey is that the maximum amount of adverts they can display on one single page is three. If you go over three, you will be banned. If you go under 3, you will be giving your traffic less opportunities to click on adverts (therefore, your earnings decrease). For this reason, it is best to go for three adverts per page.
The only exception to this rule is dependant on what adverts you choose. For example, three 728×90 adverts will cover far too much space on your website. Therefore, try to use a range of different sizes such as 300×250, 336×280 and 468×60.
Text and Image Adverts
Many publishers tend to stick with just text adverts because they look cleaner and blend better with the webpage resulting in potentially a better CTR. However, this does not mean text adverts on their own will earn you more…
Pay per click advertising evolves around competition between advertisers. Whoever bids the highest for a certain advertising spot will gain that space to advertise in. This means that if you exclude all image advert campaigns from bidding on your advertising spaces, you are decreasing the competition and demand for that spot. This means your CPC will be lower resulting in lower earnings. Due to this, always try to keep both text and image adverts enabled.
Use More Adsense Products
Although it is not an optimisation tip for Adsense adverts, it is a tip many publishers need to implement if they want to earn more. Adsense, of course, is focused on adverts for websites. However, Google do offer other products that run alongside Adsense such as search boxes, mobile advertising, and advertising on videos and games. Therefore, make sure you utilise all of Adsense’s products as much as possible to make sure you earn the most.
An example of this is myself. My Adsense adverts do make a nice amount of money a month but it is not staggering. However, alongside adverts for videos and an implemented search box onto my website, the earnings overall are much much better because I now have the power of three products making money off of a much wider audience.