Lowering your cost PPC costs isn’t the easiest thing to do but it is possible. Some keywords cost a lot of money and I am here to show you how to lower these costs while still maintaining a healthy and balanced account. Also, you want to make sure that you are maintaining your quality of ads and quality of visitors visiting your website. Below are 5 of the best tips I have come up with to lower your PPC costs in AdWords.
- Spend more with Google AdWords. This may seem quite contrary to what you would normally think and what you’re trying to accomplish but I have found with clients that when I up their budget that their costs go down a bit. When I down their budget it will also up their keywords. Simply upping your budget $10/day can significantly get you more clicks and conversions then ever before. We have a client that was getting 1-2 conversions for around $2K/month. We tried upping their budget to $10K/week for a month as a test. Currently we are between 50-60 average conversions a month. Ever since we upped the budget their average cost per click went down from $1.26 per click to $.34 a click. This did have other factors but whenever we down their budget, their cost per click goes up. Think about it from Google’s perspective, if a person pays you more, you’re going to help them out more. If they pay you less, you’re going to pay them less.
- Write better ads! You should have only around 2-3 different keywords per AdGroup. This keeps your AdGroups tightly themed and this will help costs by keeping all ads relevant to what you’re talking about.
- Always be testing out new ad copy. In my tightly themed AdGroups I always like to to have 2 ads running at the same time. Some people like to have 3 ads running, which I sometimes do as well, but typically I like to only run 2 different ads per AdGroup so I can see which one performs better. Then I’ll pause the under performing ad and put up a new one. I typically give each one 1000 impressions before I’ll start making a judgement call on that one.
- Go through your history and see which keywords are costing you HUGE money and pause them, especially if they are under performing. This will lower the cost per click for the whole account. Finding under performing accounts especially will show Google that you care about your account and that you know what you’re doing.
- Try new things. You never know what keywords are going to work. You may have to spend a bit of money on crap to find little gems that will cost nothing and perform very well with the traffic that you have. Think of some of the top advertisers on the planet. The majority of them are bidding on $.05 cent keywords and somehow converting them. Think about it from another perspective. If you’re paying $.05 for something alright or $1.50 for something perfect. You’ll get 30 people to your website before you get 1 of the other. Figure a way how to convert those 30 and you’ll be golden!
I sure hope these tips have helped you. They have changed my life and driven down costs for the majority of our clients. Try them and let me know how you do!