Everyone knows that it takes a lot of time to build up a reputable business or web site online. Gaining 100% real and interested followers and readers of your site is extremely important, but in addition to taking a long time to achieve, this can also be quite costly. One of the alternatives you might want to explore when starting a new web site or blog, is to kick start your readership by purchasing Facebook Fans or Twitter followers. Of course they won’t be the most loyal fans and some of them might not be interested in your topic, but with nearly a billion users on Facebook, it doesn’t cost that much of an investment to see 5,000 to 10,000 new followers to your site in just a few weeks.One of the services out there that specializes in growing Twitter, Facebook and YouTube fan bases is FacebookTraffic.org. When you visit their site you will see all of the different options they offer, and how much it would cost to grow your brand or web site reach on each social network. This service offers both targeted and un-targeted traffic, which means you can go after generic traffic of only those within your targeted country. It’s recommended to spend the extra few dollars and go after fans and followers who speak the same language of your blog and are in the same country.
Since you would likely be using these fans and followers to kick start your site or blog, you may want to create a separate Fan Page or account just to follow their progress and response rates. If the numbers work out in your favor, you can continue to build up your followers through paid promotion services, while also posting a high quality version of your Fan Page on your web site that people can join once they visit your real site. The concept is simple and more like a funnel process to weed out the best quality leads. It will take some time, but in the end you can quickly increase the amount of people who are reading and know about your site.
While you are looking at the possibilities of building your brand or web site out through social networks, be sure to take a look at the Socialbaker chart below on the top brands that can currently be found on Facebook. Seeing how other well known brands are using their social followers and gaining new fans is key to your success. Build a niche and spin of your own to create a viral buzz that others will want to join.
Facebook and the major social networks are just going to keep growing in size. The longer you wait to create something for your business or web sites, the longer it will take you to grow your audience. The key to building a social media presence is to get started right away and build something that will WILL USE.
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