Twitter is most likely among the most simple and absolutely free method of obtaining targeted traffic to any site. A growing number of individuals all over the world use twitter to quickly publicize whatever they want. There are individuals who use twitter to talk about particular issues they like and cherish. Whenever you share anything, it is immediately shown in the right side of your twitter account as “Trending Topic”.
Besides getting traffic, twitter is also a great way to get back links; it has page rank 9 which means Google, Yahoo, Bing and other major search engines loves this site. The links are “no follow” which means you will not get any SEO juice in increasing your page rank but getting link from twitter means you are getting back link from an authority site and search engines love authority sites. Here are few tips that if you follow carefully, you will get maximum benefits for your business using twitter.Profession Looking Twitter Background
I hope you have already heard about it that first impression is a last impression. So, the very first thing you should do, so people like to follow you is to create a professional PPC looking back ground of your twitter profile. If you have some knowledge about designing, you can use Photoshop or find a freelancer to do it for you. Certainly, it will cost you some dollars however; it will give you lots of benefits in long run. So, always think from business point of view.
Upload your Picture or Your Company Logo
The next thing you should do it to upload your own picture or your company logo. Now you might ask why? Several people including me want to follow someone whom I trust. Having your own picture will increase your credibility. If you don’t do this people will consider you as spammer and you will lose several twitter followers which ultimately results less visitors to your website or blog.
Regular Updates
People will love to follow you if they see regular updates. The main purpose of twitter followers that are following your on twitter is to get regular information about the topic you are sharing with them. If you stop updating new information/content, you will lose the interest of your twitter followers and they will simply un-follow you.
5-10 Informative and Interesting Tweets Per Day
I personally recommended you to post 5-10 tweets per day so your followers will get something new the whole day. You can begin this by tweeting specific subject matter such as SEM, Affiliate marketing and online marketing, Search engine optimization, make money online, health, music, news etc.
Simply have patience and do these additional measures in your social media advertising campaigns. This method will really work and you will get new visitors day by day which mean more and more leads per day. But in the nutshell it all depends on your constant effort and hard work. If you just set up a twitter account and do nothing than you will also get nothing.
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carlos lindayag
March 16, 2012 at 6:19 am
nice post.thank you for sharing-)