With the current state of internet advertising being what it is, many online marketing agencies have found themselves seeking out different ways to stay successful. The past few months in particular have been a rather hectic time as we now find ourselves facing more challenges than ever before. Between the frequent Panda updates and the growing prevalence of Do Not Track functionality, there is no end to the questions we all have regarding how future client campaigns should be handled. Fortunately, even though many of us feel that this is a truly difficult time for our industry, PPC campaigns can provide the solutions we seek.
PPC: A More Stable Approach to Internet MarketingWhile SEO companies are busy revising their organic link strategies for the coming months, every marketing firm can continue to rely on pay per click advertising for guaranteed results. A lot of the issues our industry faces at the moment stem from the constant revisions and updates being done by the internet’s most popular search engines. In an attempt to improve their SERPs, companies such as Google and Microsoft are cracking down heavily on SEO efforts while also making increasingly dramatic changes to how their search algorithms rank online content.
To put it lightly, our industry is in a significant transition period. As major link networks are de-indexed and some sites are already see a significant drop in rankings, many online advertising companies are now looking to pay per click as reliable means of generating traffic while they sort out things out with their organic link campaigns. While it’s expected that every internet marketing firm has at least some experience with PPC ads, it’s important that you go over some of the more significant points of PPC before embarking on your next campaign.
Choose a Reliable Ad Network
In general, you will want to operate most of your PPC campaigns through Google AdWords. A recent study has shown that the Google advertising network can improve traffic for even high SERP-ranked keywords by as much as 50%. While the report does come out of Google itself, the statistics behind this claim are solid. You can choose to implement your PPC work through other ad networks as well, but I do recommend you shop around before committing to any particular one.
Use Negative Keywords to Better Define Your Campaign
Every successful PPC company has gotten the results it wants through the clever use of negative keywords. Although you clearly want to make sure your pay per click advertisements will be seen by as many people as possible, you should make sure to include negative keywords in your campaign so as to avoid getting lumped in with unwanted pages. By doing so, you’ll find the traffic you’re getting to your keywords’ URLs will have higher conversion rates than otherwise.
Do your Homework!
A little bit of research goes a long way. If you’re unsure what keywords to use in your PPC campaign, make sure you take the time to check to see what search terms are trending as well as how much the current going bid rates are for your keywords. Well-managed PPC is a result of careful planning and shrewd business decisions, and recklessly selecting keywords is a surefire recipe for disaster.