Creating local and niche web sites are one of the best ways to make money if you know what markets to target and how to scale your sites quickly. A new system released called Build It, Rank It, Sell It helps you find local niche markets, compare search rankings and competition, then builds out your web sites and domains for you. It sounds like a complicated task, but it’s actually much easier and effective than you might think.
To best explain how the system and process works, please watch the short video below.
Local Niche Site Case Study:
One of the sites that John Martinelli (creator of Build It, Rank It, Sell It) was, which he currently has ranked #1 in Google for “boca raton tanning“. If you were a local business in Boca Raton and offered tanning, you would probably be paying for this traffic on a per click basis Through the use of the BIRISI platform, you can create niche sites based on local targets and businesses in any area of the country.
Each of these smaller niche markets doesn’t get a massive amount of traffic, but when you start scaling out to different businesses and cities, you can quickly build up your traffic over time. The BIRISI is really cool because it automates the process for you and even searches and registers exact match domains for you, which is key to getting a top placement in the search engines.
Using BIRISI and Monetizing Your Sites
Once you take the time to watch the video above, you will have a much better understand of how to platform works and how it can quickly scale and build out new sites fast. When you have a few sites up and running you will need to focus on link building to get them ranked and also how you will monetize your traffic.To recap, here’s how the system works.
Step 1: Choose Your City
Step 2: Choose Your Niche
Step 3: Launch Your Sites
Step 4: Rank Your Site
Step 5: Monetize
Step 6: Scale Your Network
When it comes to the monetization of these sites, you have plenty of options. If you are looking for a set and forget business model, you can always go with Google Adsense and contextual advertising. This will show relevant and local advertisers on your niche sites. Another great option is to find relevant affiliate offers, such as Groupon, which will pay for every new sign up you send to their site. Another great alternative is to get your sites ranked, then sell them for a nice chunk of profit through Flippa.
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- Learn all of the secrets to cloning our success
- Get 1-on-1 Q&A Time with the creater John Martinelli
- Even if you don’t subscribe to BIRISI you will still learn the same methods used to make money online
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