The last PPC campaign I analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ was from The Grand Tour TV series, on Amazon Prime. What we found was that the PPC search advert was targeting typo search phrases, and promoting a specific season of The Grand Tour. The site links extension were purposefully generalised links (not about The Grand Tour) about Amazon Prime to make web users attracted to signing up with their video streaming service.
A market that is starting to bloom comes with packaged food deliveries to help you cook delicious meals on a weekly basis, with all the ingredients and recipes pre-prepared. Looking into this segment, here is an analysis of a PPC campaign from Hello Fresh.
To view Hello Fresh’s PPC search advert, I had to type into Google search UK, ‘food subscription’:The demand for this search phrase is extremely high, and not surprisingly either. Subscription services to tend to have high competition and a high CPC, since the conversion very much could result in repeated purchases. This is genuinely why subscription services of any sort have large budgets for advertising.
In this instance of PPC, it is great Hello Fresh have managed to rank #1 for paid search results. What helps to make Hello Fresh differentiate from the competition the most is the use of the site link extension. This increases the ad space of the Hello Fresh advert, whilst making the advert stand out as different from the other three. The links chosen in the site links extension are also very good too, going on the main features of Hello Fresh.
With subscription based services too, it is a good technique to lure people in with discounts, because if they are then likely to become accustom to the service and renew it at full price. With this in mind, it is great that Hello Fresh offer a discount on the first order – it is surprising that only one other advert offers a trial/discount.
After clicking on the above advert, I came to the following landing page:As a landing page goes, this is a really well designed click through landing page for the following reasons below:
- Hello Fresh realise they need to display their meals on the landing page to entice web users into signing up with their service. Having the background image of a box of food and a few tasty looking meals achieves just this, helping to entice web users further.
- The theme is slightly hinted towards green, which is a healthy colour to associate the landing page with. This helps to make the meals appear healthier.
- The click through buttons, which are the main conversion for this landing page, are highlighted in green buttons to help the buttons stand out to the rest of the content. It is also a good idea of Hello Fresh to use two buttons, increasing the CTR of the click through buttons to the next landing page.