How many aged web sites or domains do you have sitting in your portfolio? With an aged web site site and content, you would expect these web sites to have a much better chance of ranking in the search engines with a little bit of work, right? Unfortunately it’s a lot more complex than that. While we continue to see many aged web sites and domain names sell for a lot of money, it doesn’t mean they are an instant winner when it comes to ranking higher in the search engines.In a recent multi-part interview with Justin from the RankPay, I had to ask a question about the importance of aged domains and page rank, when it comes to ranking in the search engines. Since RankPay specializes in ranking all type of web sites, big/small and new/old… they should know a thing or two about what makes a web site rank. You can read the question and Justin’s response below.
Obviously the PageRank of a web site is very important, but let’s say we have a few sites/domains that all have the same page rank and links to the site, but one domain is 10 years old, another is 5 years old and another was just recently registered, how will the age of a domain/site effect it’s results in search engines?
The age of the domain can have an affect on search engine rankings if the link age that were pointing to those domains are nearly as old as the domain itself. If all things equal, and one domain was registered last week and another registered ten years ago they will both have an equal opportunity to rank. Again, the only thing that would influence something differently is if the ten year old site had been indexed by Google years ago and has backlinks that are older than the new website.
If you would like to learn more about RankPay and how you can start ranking higher in the search engines, jump over to their site and enter your domain into their search box. You will see instant results for where your site ranks, along with how much it would cost you to rank in the top 30 results for any of your specified terms.