I’m sure you’ve heard of autoblogging, and may have even been tempted to start your own! The concept is a simple wordpress web site, that uses a plugin to scrape content from other web sites, usually article directories and sites like Amazon.com and eBay.com. The purpose of an autoblog site is to scrape as much relevant content as possible, then trying to rank in the search engine and convert low end traffic through methods such as Amazon associates program, Google Adsense, contextual marketing or affiliate links.Since autoblogging still seems to be sticking around, I wanted to get another opinion, and this time from someone who knows something about SEO. I recently talked with Justin from the RankPay, who specializes in ranking and seo for web sites and asked him a few questions. One of these was on autoblogging, which you can read below.
What are you thoughts on the millions of autoblogs that are simply replicating content? How long of a life span do these sites usually have, and how does article replication effect both the original content creator, and the ones stealing it?
We aren’t fans of autoblogs, stealing isn’t right and copying another persons content is the same as stealing. It is disappointing to see the recent explosion of autoblogs and their popularity in the internet marketing community. Matt Cutts just posted today about how Google has rolled out algorithm changes that deal with this very thing: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/algorithm-change-launched
Whether you have a new web site, old or even an autoblog, check out the search form at RankPay and find out what keywords you could soon be ranking for, and at what cost. The business model behind RankPay, is that you don’t pay until you start seeing results.