It is a bit obvious that companies will be spending more PPC money here in the near future, as our industry grows more and more important. The biggest thing that comes up when we have this discussion is if we are going to see a change in where exactly the money will be going. The cost per clicks are increasing, and if everyone is going to want to maximize their return on their investment, they will have to rely on many things, such as analytics, etc, as well as consultants or in house people to do all the work.
We have read a lot of articles by reputable people talking about Bing and Google are getting set up to have increased ad budgets in their people, as companies are going to be allocating more to the PPC bucket. We also can keep track of Facebook ads, which has been increasing in ad money coming in over the last few years.  I think it is important to make sure we know where the money is being spent. Some of these venues may be Search Networks, Re-marketing on Google, Yahoo Behavioral Targeting, Facebook, Youtube, and Display Networks.
So, as we see companies trying to be more efficient with the money they are increasing on their budget, we will see many people trying different desktop editors and platforms, Bings’, Google, etc.