No matter what type of business you are running online, at the end of the day it all comes down to your back links. As much as people like to say Google is going to shut down sites that have bad linking practices, many sites still get linked. So if you can get really great links through ethical methods, then it’s likely that you are going to end up with really great rankings Building Contextual Backlinks with LinksManagement.What has Google taught us so far…
- Link farms are trash
- Blog networks will get shut down
- Using the same anchor text will kill rankings
Best of all, Google is just getting started. It seems like they are coming out with new rules and slaps every month.
No matter what Google does, the text link brokers are still out there and they probably will be for years to come. The difference between the companies who survive and those who don’t, is that the ones that stick around know what they are doing and aren’t blasting links all over the place just to make a quick buck while their clients get destroyed.
LinksManagement is one of those companies that has been around a bit and seems to be doing quite well. One thing that stands out and is always funny about seo and link management companies, is the Page Rank and Alexa ranking of web sites. How can other sites that claim to be so great at what they do, have such horrible rankings. I know many people don’t care about these rankings, but many others do. Link Management is ranked in the top 10,000 sites on Alexa and has a PageRank of 5. It’s got to mean something!
How does LinksManagement Work?
There are plenty of services out there that sell link building services, but not all of them are created equally. Links Management stands out from the crowd because of the variety of ways they offer for link building. Instead of focusing on links at the bottom of a site or in the side bar, they focus on contextual links. This means all of the links are actually within the content of the site and look more natural and relevant.
The backbone of Links Management is their network of thousands of web sites and blogs, which range from PR4 to PR8. The reason why the PR matters is so customers understand that these are not fly by night web sites that are filled with trash and ready to be dumped once a link is placed. As many of you already know, the higher the Page Rank of a site linking to your site, the more link juice you will receive.
There are currently over 150,000 sites within their network. When you sign up to their site you then have the option to sort by Page Rank and available ad placements. The higher the Page Rank, the higher the ad cost.
To address the concern that most people have with link buying and how Google punishes for these practices, LinksManagement says the links “look natural to Google and stay alive for as long as you wish.”
When they say the links are up “as long as you wish”, this is part of their business model and way of keeping sites and links clean. Customers are not buying life time links, but instead paying on a monthly basis.
Performing a Search Based on Keyword and Page Rank
Once you sign up for free access to LinksManagement, you will be able to sort through their massive collection of sites that you can order link placement on. In this particular example, we are search for “pay per click” related sites, with a Page Rank of at least 3. You will also be able to see the number of outgoing links, price and other details for each site.
As mentioned earlier, the higher the Page Rank, the more you are going to have to pay for a link. The pricing will also consider the aging of the site and how many outgoing links it has, as well as some other algorithm factors the system has in place.
In addition to being able to access all of the information shown above, when you sign up for a free account with LinksManagement, you will also receive their free “7 Important Steps to Get Ranked Top 10 on Google” along with their recommend SEO tips how to guide and recommended tools.
Is LinksManagement Right For You?
No one wakes up in the morning and gets excited about doing link building for their sites, and that’s why these types of services are out there. Everyone knows there are right and wrong ways to build links to their site, but LinksManagement insists that they have a system in place that allows for sites to effectively build links and rank higher in the search engines without getting penalized. If you are one of those individuals who hates the thought of personally building out their own sites and link management and willing to order links on other high Page Ranked sites, then LinksManagement is an option for you.
February 8, 2013 at 2:38 am
Link management is good for High PR backlinks.