As many of you know Black Friday is almost here. Are all your PPC accounts ready? Below are a few different tips that will help your accounts to convert better during the time of year when everyone goes crazy over deals. Heck, my sister is currently in line at Best Buy to get one of 4 iPad’s that are $200 off. She’s waiting in line 2 days to get $200 off a product. Take advantage of this and target these people! Below are a few tips to help you target the crazy people out there that wait in lines forever.
Black Friday PPC Tips
Make sure to offer a deal on your site, everyone loves deals. Everyone loves to get something shipped for free. Everyone loves a deal that they know they would have had to pay more for had they gone the next day. Offer your searchers a deal they can’t refuse.
Search traffic will double on Black Friday according to a study done by Bing last year. On Black Friday the average number of searches doubles. This means there will be a large number of clicks and traffic that you can take advantage of.
Write your ads as targeted as possible. Make sure to mention “Black Friday” in them as that will grab their attention.
Have all your ads targeted to shoppers on Black Friday. Each ad should have a deal in it with “Black Friday” in the ad. Have specific ads for this day. Know your analytics for that day as well, and most importantly, pay attention to them!
Separate Brand Terms into their own AdGroups, this is a no brainer that you should be doing already but especially for today. You want to know what is converting and what isn’t converting. You want your customers to know that you care about them. By putting your branded terms into their own AdGroup you will have a better CTR, Quality Score and CPC overall. This will also cause your other groups to have to prove their worth. No longer do they have proven keyword terms in them. You can now get a better view of your account and know better what’s going on.
Use targeting, target ads to different parts of the world. For example, I have a client that is offering a widget that is mainly for black people. I’m not being racist, it’s primarily for black people. I am currently only targeting parts of the US that are heavily populated with Black people. It’s the same for religions. I target people in Utah, Idaho, and California for highly populated Mormon communities for a Food Storage client. Know your target audience and target ads to where they live. Don’t just target your ad to any random person. Don’t be the lazy ass manager that targets the whole country. Figure out where your people are coming from and target them based on where they live.
Write unique ads. Black Friday is a day for cheapos. If you have something to offer them, write a create ad that is targeted for this day to them.
If anyone else out there has any holiday PPC tips or Tricks that they have used in the past please let us know and we’ll post them up. There are more then enough clicks out there for all of us to take advantage of!