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Landing Page Optimization

Best Social Media Plugins For A Landing Page

ShareThis Social Media Share Buttons.png

A recent post of mine explained that by placing social media buttons on a landing page, you can give yourself the opportunity to gain extra traffic. You are already gaining paid traffic from your pay per click campaign. If you have set your campaign up right, the web users visiting your landing page should be interested in your landing page’s content. Therefore, they are likely they will want to share your landing page through social media. This is why it is a great idea to place social media buttons onto a PPC landing page: as well as gaining PPC traffic to it, you will have the potential to gain free traffic too from social media.
The great thing about social media traffic that it can be quite contextual too. For example, somebody who follows Google on Twitter must like technology and the internet. The problem, I find, is what social media plugin on share buttons should you use on your landing page? Which social media share buttons are the most successful in gaining extra traffic? Well, here are some of the best choices to go for.


ShareThis provide beautiful looking social media buttons in three different forms of sizes for anyone to use. The buttons match the social media website that they are sharing too (for example, Twitter is light blue, Facebook is a darker blue). Another great feature of ShareThis is that they have just about every social media share button available to use. Therefore, if you have found, for some reason, that most of your PPC traffic uses email to share web pages, there is a custom designed share button to accommodate this.
ShareThis Social Media Share Buttons.png


Although I think ShareThis’ social media share buttons look much more professional and smarter, AddThis has much more to offer than ShareThis. As the front page states, ’14 million sites cannot be wrong’. As well as having social media share buttons, AddThis enables users to have a welcome bar, trending content and follow buttons. What caught my eye the most was the welcome bar. A welcome bar is ideal for PPC landing pages because you can make it only display to certain people. It is a much cooler concept than plain old social media share buttons. For this reason, you may want to look at experimenting with it.
Another great thing about AddThis is that they will analyse all your social media traffic to the detail Google Analytics measures traffic to. You can see how many shares you got, clicks, location, web browser, platform and more.
AddThis Social Media Share Buttons.png


It can be seen that Shareaholic is more suited to bloggers with their websites. However, it is still a great social media share button platform for Share the knowledgePPC landing pages. What puts Shareaholic apart from the rest is the way it looks. An attractive design with half hidden social media buttons which pop out when the user hovers over them…this will definately encourage web users to share your PPC landing page.
Shareaholic Social Media Share Buttons

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