You can’t go anywhere right now without hearing someone talking about guest blogging. I love guest blogging. It’s a great way to get my original content out there on other high end web sites and blogs, while also growing my name brand and audience.
As great as guest blogging seems, if you go about it the wrong way then you can send up in some deep trouble.
I’m all about spreading the good word and benefits of guest blogging, but it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t go into some detail on how to get the most out of your content as well.
It’s All About the Content
Yes, we all know it’s all about the content… but how many of you are really focusing your efforts on contact that provides value and give the users a positive experience. Don’t hire someone to write an article and then slap your name on it. Getting your content out there is only half the battle… male sure it’s something people find value in and that you would actually want to read yourself.
Use Your Real Name and Content When You Can
The only guest blogging that I ever do is to actually grow my name brand and extend my reach. Since I am going to be writing my own content, I am going to be using my name every time. Getting exposure is great, but the last thing I am going to do is hire someone to write or spin articles for me and then slap my name on it. If you are going to use your name, write your own content.
Request an Author Bio with Picture
Speaking of writing your own content and using your name, while you are at it you should see if you can get setup with a full author bio as well. If you are going to be writing on a high end web site or blog, they may allow you to setup your own author account so you can login and write content within their wordpress dashboard.
Online Guest Blog on Real Sites with Traffic
Lastly, your guest blogging content is only as good as the sites you are writing on. Try to post quality content on sites that have the same type of audience you are trying to target. If you are going to write about fashion, then find fashion blogs to submit content too. Also, it’s not just about the page rank of a site, you have to look at the Alexa and backlinks to the site as well. Quality is always key! Submitting your content to sites and following up with them to make sure your content is posted. By the time you are finished managing it all you can end up spending more time and effort than it’s worth.In addition to my quick tips above, there are many other things you should know about guest blogging as well.
BackLinkMetro is an online guest blogging and link building service that has laid out answers to many of these sought after questions, so I will use them as a resource for these next few points.