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Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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    Improve Your Site Experience with MyThemeShop WordPress Themes

    Improve Your Site Experience with MyThemeShop WordPress Themes

    Having an excellent web site design or blog is crucial for any business. With WordPress now being the CMS choice for the majority of people creating a web site or business online, it’s not only just as important to pick a quality WordPress theme, but it’s also cheaper and easier than ever before. I’m not a WordPress designer, but I ...

    Pay Per Click Marketing Budgets for 2014

    Pay Per Click Marketing Budgets for 2014

    I remember that good old days of pay per click marketing when Yahoo was king and clicks were just a few pennies or nickles each. Back then your advertising options were split between banner advertising, pay per click marketing and email. Now you have a million different ways not only to spend your budget on advertising, but also different ways to track and ...

    Google Trends Month in Review

    Google Trends Month in Review

    Google Trends is an awesome tool from Google that shows what people are searching for on any given day, the average number of searches the keyword/phrase are getting and a quick summary of why the topic is being searched on. This is something I focused on in an earlier post about how Miley Cyrus is using the internet and social media to explode her brand ...’s Most Searched Celebrities of 2013’s Most Searched Celebrities of 2013

    Bing just came out with the list of most searched celebrities in the 2013 Year in Review post. While Bing isn’t Google, it’s still a great resource to find out what people are searching for. For anyone who is actively in the entertainment and celebrity business, this report will provide you with some great detail on different celebrities you ...

    Top Affiliate and PPC Marketing Blogs

    Top Affiliate and PPC Marketing Blogs

    PPC marketing and affiliate marketing go hand in hand. This is quite a good thing for anyone that likes to read internet and affiliate marketing blogs. In a previous post I talked about the top PPC Marketers that you should be following. Each of them have their own blog, but their are many other great affiliate and ppc marketing blogs out there. The problem ...

    Using Landing Pages to Increase Conversion Rates

    Using Landing Pages to Increase Conversion Rates

    Every online marketer will have to start playing around with landing pages at some point or another. If you are already working with ppc marketing in the search engines, there is no doubt you’ve already had experience in this area. For those of you who are still playing around with direct linking and advertising on such platforms as Facebook Ads and ...

    Using PPC Marketing for Reputation Management

    Using PPC Marketing for Reputation Management

    Reputation management is all of the discussion lately. One of the biggest problems with ORM is that so many people think it is the same as SEO, when it’s really not the same at all. Online reputation management is focused on search engine results and allowing organizations to have control over what shows up for their name in the search results, but ...

    Google Adwords Business Credit Card

    Google Adwords Business Credit Card

    One of the big pains I’ve had with online spending and using Google Adwords in the past is tracking all of the outgoing payments on a daily and monthly basis. It’s not that the money flow is an issue, instead it’s being able to really zone in on the spending amounts with Google, compared to everything else being placed on my business ...

    How Much is a Pinterest "Pin" Worth?

    How Much is a Pinterest "Pin" Worth?

    Pinterest has millions of users and it’s a site that is talked about all the time in the world of online marketing. The problem with Pinterest is that it still mystifies so many people. You are either using it, or you aren’t. Unfortunately I’ve been one of those persons who hasn’t jumped onto the Pinterest train yet, but I’m ...

    How to Stop Competitors from Ranking for Your Name

    How to Stop Competitors from Ranking for Your Name

    Completion in advertising is healthy, but when your competition is straight up ranking on the first page of the search results for your name, then you are in trouble. In most cases no one wants their competition to rank for their own brand names. I’m not talking about products like “steel microwave”, I’m talking about real personal ...