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Todd Bailey is Vice President of Marketing and Digital Strategy at WebiMax in Mount Laurel, NJ. WebiMax is an industry leading search engine optimization (SEO) firm with over 150 employees and 500+ clients worldwide. Find him on Twitter @WebiMax and @push_star

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    Facebook is Trying To Get Us to Rethink Clicks and Impressions

    Facebook is Trying To Get Us to Rethink Clicks and Impressions

    Facebook is in the midst of trying to make its advertising component more attractive to online marketers. The social network giant has suffered ever since going public as investors try to figure out what it is, exactly, that Facebook can do to bring in revenues and justify spending money on the platform. As far as simply alerting people to the presence of ...

    5 Important PPC Steps For Beginners

    5 Important PPC Steps For Beginners

    While many online businesses have recognized the various advantages that search engine optimization provides, most notably in helping a site to gain more exposure online, many businesses are recognizing the many advantages that pay per click (PPC) marketing offers. Pay per click (also known as “Cost per click”) is an online marketing and ...

    Online Video Advertising: Going Viral with Pay-Per-Click

    Online Video Advertising: Going Viral with Pay-Per-Click

    A couple weeks ago, I addressed the need for pay-per-click campaign managers to add vibrancy and allure to their PPC ads through the strategic use of images. With the current trend of online media consumption being what it is, one’s target demographic is always going to be on the lookout for content that immediately grabs their attention and refuses ...

    4 PPC Tips Your Campaign Advisor Doesn’t Want to Miss

    4 PPC Tips Your Campaign Advisor Doesn’t Want to Miss

    Pay-per-click or PPC services are the ‘rentals’ of the online marketing world.  If organic traffic is your brand’s ‘bought house,’ then leveraging pay-per-click services is a short-term method of getting to know those in your neighborhood of interest, your consumers. While a number of businesses use PPC for limited amounts of ...

    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (and Clicks)

    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (and Clicks)

    As far as direct marketing is concerned, pay per click ads continue to be one of the most effective and reliable means of online advertising that any business can turn to. For over a decade, countless SEO agencies and small businesses have relied on CPC campaigns to reach potential traffic and customers in short but incredibly effective bursts. It’s a ...

    The Summer Advantage: PPC Campaign Success from here to Fall

    The Summer Advantage: PPC Campaign Success from here to Fall

    No matter how methodically or efficiently a linkbuilding campaign is planned, things often go awry for even the best of us. Many online marketing firms are now finding that the results they have guaranteed to their clients are suddenly in short supply. Due primarily to Google’s Penguin and Panda updates, click-through and conversion rates have become ...

    Should We Reconsider Running PPC Campaigns on Facebook?

    Should We Reconsider Running PPC Campaigns on Facebook?

    In the past, PPC experts have suggested that companies should run more of their pay per click ads through social media websites instead of traditional search engine networks. Due to the scale and structure of these social networks, sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become increasingly popular for both organic SEO and paid link activities. The concept ...

    Pushing Brand Recognition Further with Smart PPC Planning

    Pushing Brand Recognition Further with Smart PPC Planning

    One of the greatest obstacles that startup and small businesses must overcome is the matter of brand recognition. Regardless of whether a company has been around for a mere handful of months or an entire decade, gaining renown on the World Wide Web can be an incredible challenge. As we’ve all seen, corporations are able to often rely on their name and ...

    PPC Ads Work as Stop-Gap Solutions for Penguin-Related Woes

    PPC Ads Work as Stop-Gap Solutions for Penguin-Related Woes

    After the fallout from the recent Google Penguin update, nearly every SEO and PPC company is trying to get a grip on the situation. Although the majority of those sites impacted by the recent changes to the SERPs are the product of spam or black hat SEO, more than a few legitimate businesses and online retailers have been hit hard by Penguin. As a result, ...

    A Few Choice PPC Tips to Make your SMB’s Ads Successful

    A Few Choice PPC Tips to Make your SMB’s Ads Successful

    As more small business owners take their companies online, they understandably face a number of obstacles. Aside from the obvious tasks of setting up social media listings and creating an official website, there are also the challenges inherent in starting up a pay per click campaign. While PPC companies are more than happy to handle a company’s cost ...