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Shyam Bhardwaj is the Senior Vancouver SEO expert and Founder at eShine Marketing, specialized in search engine optimization and marketing. Shyam has over 7 years of experience working with global businesses under different marketers. He worked with A-graded marketers like Joe Balestrino, David Faltz, Bradley Sacks and Ashley Phillips.

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    7 PPC Mistakes Costing and Killing Your Marketing Campaign

    7 PPC Mistakes Costing and Killing Your Marketing Campaign

    If you want to get paid clicks from search engines using Pay Per Click marketing, you need to follow the set PPC tactics. Some vendors have already mastered the skills and their course of action while some are still on trial, error, and trial. Selecting a right PPC agency is a crucial step in your marketing funnel that will be able to help you with your ...

    3 Common Mistakes That Waste Clicks and Money in Google AdWords

    3 Common Mistakes That Waste Clicks and Money in Google AdWords

    Perhaps the biggest winner in the shift of advertising dollars online has been Google, the search giant with a market cap of somewhere in the neighborhood of $350-$400 billion. The biggest driver of Google’s revenue is their Google AdWords program, through which businesses of all sizes can bid on ad placements in the search results for keywords related to ...