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    Marvel Marketplace – The Exciting New Features Of Google Shopping

    Marvel Marketplace – The Exciting New Features Of Google Shopping

    It’s a great time to be a business owner operating in the FMCG or product market, soley by what is possible with the platforms and capabilities at our disposal. There’s no denying what can be achieved by utilising the features and platforms of Google. Google Shopping is no different, and it’s never been a better time to jump on board with the new ...

    The Top 5 Online Advertising Risks To Avoid

    The Top 5 Online Advertising Risks To Avoid

    In today’s Internet-driven world, it has become easier for businesses to engage with their target audience. Not only does the virtual space pull out all the stops from how businesses market and sell, but also, geographical boundaries are no longer a barrier. With over 55.1% world’s population using the Internet, online advertising comes out on top for ...

    PPC Mistakes That Are Pushing Your Business Into The Ground

    PPC Mistakes That Are Pushing Your Business Into The Ground

    PPC, a.k.a pay per click is a system which most online businesses rely on. Having you here on this blog post, we assume your business is also one of them. Well, hands down, PPC is a great way of marketing products and services. But is it easy? Does it always work? Not really. And so, to make things easy, here are the PPC mistakes which might be costing you ...