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Web designer, lady of a keyboard and one hell of a geek. My expertise could be summed up in IT, digital marketing and business-related topics. My interests are, on the other hand, wide and ever-evolving.

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    5 Security Challenges Digital Marketers Face Nowadays (And Best Practices)

    5 Security Challenges Digital Marketers Face Nowadays (And Best Practices)

    Ever since Google made HTTPS a ranking signal, digital marketers and SEOs everywhere have started scrambling for their SSL certificates, in an attempt to get their websites to rank that little bit better. However, needless to say, there is much, much more to cyber security than encrypting anything. In fact, in a world where ransomware is constantly on the ...

    Financing Digital Marketing in 2019: How to Distribute Your Budget between PPC and SEO

    Financing Digital Marketing in 2019: How to Distribute Your Budget between PPC and SEO

    Source: Even if you are quite new to the world of digital marketing, you have likely already come across that infamous dilemma: should you pour your hard-earned funds into PPC or SEO? And like in all things digital marketing, there is no one-size-fits-all blueprint we can give you that will answer this question. You may have heard of brands ...

    Will GDPR Affect PPC Advertising?

    Will GDPR Affect PPC Advertising?

    Source: The recent introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has ushered a new era of data security and privacy. Many people hail it as an ultimate triumph over the dark forces, but is such a notion premature? Well, rules are indeed harmonizing, businesses are revising their models, and search marketers targeting customers ...