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Nancy has a vast background in PPC and SEO. Feel free to visit her site Be sure to stay updated with her most recent posts on about the latest changes and trends in online search marketing.

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    How To Earn Money With PPC Ads?

    How To Earn Money With PPC Ads?

    The Pay per Click business is a relatively recent method of directing views to your online site and hence, earning money in the process. The theory is basically the same as a billboard advertisement. You pay another company to display your site on theirs; hence, every person visiting that the site has a chance of visiting yours. Unlike a conventional ...

    Understanding The Difference of PPC and SEO Traffic

    Understanding The Difference of PPC and SEO Traffic

    Choosing between SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and a PPC (Pay per Click) as a part of your business strategy is hard. Here is a basic understanding of what each does for your business or site should you choose to use e-commerce to expand your business.   How crucial are they? When you go for SEO, the right keywords typed in by the users will show ...

    What’s the Best Advice I Need to Know Before Building my PPC Account?

    What’s the Best Advice I Need to Know Before Building my PPC Account?

    Generating traffic can be extremely difficult, especially if you’re just getting started with a new website. While you can slowly build a loyal following organically through high quality content, careful keyword selection and word of mouth, most site owners opt to use a PPC (pay per click) campaign to generate larger amounts of search traffic. This ...

    Using Content and Keywords To Increase SEO

    Using Content and Keywords To Increase SEO

    Using Content and Keywords to Increase SEO, search engine optimization, is one of the best ways to remain relevant and to bring in more visitors. This gives your site the boost that it needs to become successful, but it is not as simple as pressing a button. There has to be work done if you want to see the quality and effective results that you are after. A ...

    PPC Online Advertising

    PPC Online Advertising

      PPC Online Advertising is another variable in online marketing. It is a great way to target traffic to your website. The great thing about PPC advertising is that you are only charged when someone clicks on your keyword-targeted advertisement. Some of the most popular search engines use pay per click advertising on their search engine result pages; ...

    PPC That I Have Learned From Conferences

    PPC That I Have Learned From Conferences

    The difference between PPC mediocrity and PPC success lies in what you know. Sure, you can trust all the online “PPC gurus” or you can trust the PPC leaders who actually know what they are doing. Finding these PPC leaders is not very hard, you go to their conferences. One such conference is the Affiliate Summit conference which will be hosted from ...