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    De-Cluttering the Google PPC News

    De-Cluttering the Google PPC News

    In April, Google caused a stir in the tech industry by announcing that it plans to reduce the search query data for pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers. Instantly, the conspiracy theories and grumbling began. Google tried to soften the blow by releasing an undetermined number of Google Glasses in “cotton”, but it wasn’t enough to keep techie critics off ...

    Google Combats Click Fraud With Purchase of Anti Malware Startup

    Google Combats Click Fraud With Purchase of Anti Malware Startup

    Google is without a doubt the biggest target of click fraud through its pervasive advertising platform. Many advertising networks are utilizing malware programs to automate false viewing clicks. Of course, the advertisers want sales conversions rather than pay networks that merely create a potential customer who clicks through the jump link to view the ad. ...

    Google Officially Launches “Not Provided” to PPC Ads

    Google Officially Launches “Not Provided” to PPC Ads

    Rumors have been swirling for a few weeks, but on April 9, 2014, Google officially announced that the search engine giant is bringing “not provided” to ads including pay per click (PPC) ads. What does this mean? Search query data will be withheld from paid clicks leading to more “secure search for clicks” on paid search ad according to an ...

    PPC Remarketing Can Help You Succeed Under Google’s New Rules

    PPC Remarketing Can Help You Succeed Under Google’s New Rules

    Google announced new rules to distinguish popular and authoritative websites. Many small businesses have trouble using pay-per-click remarketing to target customers effectively, and as a result, nearly all small businesses polled in a recent survey said PPC is an ineffective strategy for advertising. With more than 1 million companies advertising their ...

    Six Ways PPC Advertising Can Boost Your Website’s Visibility

    Six Ways PPC Advertising Can Boost Your Website’s Visibility

    Nearly every company has a website nowadays. From law firms and real estate offices, to social media sites and job boards, the World Wide Web is the one place where almost every business presents itself. In order to gain attention in this vast marketplace, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns have skyrocketed in recent years. Here are some of the ...

    Common Mistakes to Avoid in PPC Marketing

    Common Mistakes to Avoid in PPC Marketing

    Pay-per-click advertising is a strategy of Internet marketing that’s supposed to help you company get recognized more readily by potential customers and search functions. Critics have called PPC-based marketing outdated. Social marketing might have become the preferred tactic for free advertising recently, but PPC can be just as strong as ever. Benefits ...

    Bing Unveils Product Ads for All U.S. Advertisers

    Bing Unveils Product Ads for All U.S. Advertisers

    Microsoft’s search engine Bing has completed beta testing and announced the launch of product ads for U.S. advertisers. The ads incorporate custom images from the advertiser’s product catalogs, pricing, company name, and promotional text. Ad costs are identical to the other text ads on a pay-per-click basis. Bing Product Ads enable retailers to increase ...

    PPC Advertising Can Generate Excellent Real Estate Leads

    PPC Advertising Can Generate Excellent Real Estate Leads

    As everybody knows, the real estate market is regularly subject to dizzying ups and downs. Whether it’s season-to-season or year-to-year, the market can sink at any time, drying up sales and your income. Implementing an effective pay-per-click marketing campaign can help you to drive sales and leads, even when your competitors are struggling in a soft ...

    PPC Marketing: It’s Not Just About Putting Ads on Google Anymore

    PPC Marketing: It’s Not Just About Putting Ads on Google Anymore

    The days when business heads such as online entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even medical clinics simply threw pay-per-click (PPC) ads onto Google, Yahoo!, and Bing are long over. Nowadays a lot more work has to go into launching a PPC ad campaign. Keyword research, knowledge about the target audience, and their online search habits are just some ...

    Pay-Per-Click Marketing: Keywords To Treasure

    Pay-Per-Click Marketing: Keywords To Treasure

    Digital marketing has exploded in recent years, to become one of the leading forms of service promotion. The most effective type is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. This strategy attempts to target only the customers that would be specifically interested in your product by tagging articles with certain keywords. Keywords These are the center of any online ...