Oftentimes people focus on content marketing, and SEO separately. But, if you wish to generate quality leads with organic traffic, paying attention to SEO is imperative. Search engines can be extremely helpful in driving traffic to your site. However, you have to ensure that your content is properly optimized to rank higher. You need to include keywords in ...
5 Simple yet Powerful SEO Tips for Small Business 14 Nov 2020
SEO or “Search Engine Optimization” makes a primary and unbreakable foundation for small businesses. If a small business entrepreneur denies taking SEO seriously, his all hard work will go in vain. A small business site without SEO is like a TV show that appears in the middle of the night. May it be a great show but nobody will watch and know about it. ...
7 Tips to Tackle Your First PPC Campaign 08 Jun 2020
Over the last few years, pay per click campaigns has been a staple in online advertising for businesses. But with recent economic changes, brands and businesses alike find themselves having to cut PPC expenditure whether by bringing it in-house, cutting their PPC agency or cutting their marketing team and shifting PPC responsibilities to other team members. ...
Overcoming This 8 PPC Project Management Challenge Will Make Your Life Easy 26 Dec 2016
If you are an advanced PPC professional and have managed PPC campaigns of varying lengths and sizes, you must have a clear idea about the challenges that are associated with a PPC campaign management project. While addressing some core and regular points such as target audience, campaign approach, clear marketing message and what to put up for ...