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Lauren Wiseman is marketing specialist, contributor to and entrepreneur. She helps clients grow their personal and professional brands in the fast-changing and demanding market, strongly believing in a holistic approach to business.

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    How to Prevent Common Social Media Security and Privacy Risks?

    How to Prevent Common Social Media Security and Privacy Risks?

    The number of social media users is rising at an astonishing pace. Given this fact, it’s not surprising at all that social media marketing has become the backbone of building a solid online presence for both small businesses and large corporations. Precisely because of that, these channels should be one of the greatest risk concerns for your business. ...

    5 Ways Web Hosting Impacts Your Online Business

    5 Ways Web Hosting Impacts Your Online Business

    When setting up a website, most business owners don’t put enough time and effort into choosing a reliable web hosting service. Instead, they go for the most affordable option, pay them a monthly fee, and go on their merry way. However, this not a good idea. Choosing an unreliable provider may hurt your SEO efforts, website security, and online performance ...

    Promoting Business on Social Networks: 101

    Promoting Business on Social Networks: 101

    The number of social media users is rising at an astonishing rate and is expected to reach 2.62 billion by the end of 2018. Given this fact, it’s not surprising that social media marketing has become one of the most significant aspects of every business’ digital marketing strategy. Now, the majority of your competitors are already using social networks ...