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I am an entrepreneur, social media enthusiast & blogger. I invest in people & great ideas. I make social technology easy for people. I have been studying internet marketing and tech startups for years and I love to read and write about technology, marketing, women’s fashion, health, lifestyle, tip & tricks and gaming to share my knowledge and expertise.

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    The Powerful Impact of Personal SEO

    The Powerful Impact of Personal SEO

    Personal Branding is about choosing to play a dynamic part of your life. You advantage from making an individual brand since it enables you to self-deal with your life and quit contingent upon others to do it for you. Your own image helps you take advantage of what you must offer. Consent to be yourself: The Personal Branding process guarantees you that ...

    8 Lesser-Known Tactics to Maximize Your Local SEO

    8 Lesser-Known Tactics to Maximize Your Local SEO

    SEO of website hugely depends upon providing relevant material to the potential visitors. But to maximize the outcome of your website you have to make sure that it can be accessible the targeted users. Let’s discuss some facts first, over 80% of users do research before online purchasing from a company and while searching 42% choose the 1st listing on the ...