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Jackson Edword is a professional writer and an SEO expert. He is working for a Web Design Los Angeles company and published several articles on the subject of Internet Marketing, Social Media and Web Development.

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    Updated Google Search Console – What’s New with Latest the Version?

    Updated Google Search Console – What’s New with Latest the Version?

    Google recently announced a new version of the search console. With new updates, the company made a hard decision to let go of some legacy features in the new version.  This drastic change of features and tools aimed at improving some of the popular properties the webmasters use. Here are some new features in search console that roll in a couple of days ...

    Facebook Instant Articles; Let’s clear the air, shall we?

    Facebook Instant Articles; Let’s clear the air, shall we?

    It’s been 3 years since Facebook has made Instant Articles available to the publishers but I bet there are still many in the industry who haven’t even heard the name let alone fathom what it is. Nevertheless, we all surely understand one common thing i.e. making more money. And though not everybody writes blogs to earn money, a little extra ...