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Amanda DiSilvestro is the Editor-in-chief for Plan, Write, GO. She has been writing about all things digital marketing, both as a ghostwriter, guest writer, and blog manager, for over 10 years. Check out her blogging services to learn more!

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    How to Improve Your Quality Score in 2013

    How to Improve Your Quality Score in 2013

    companies know by now that quality score is a very important factor that affects the performance of your search advertising. It’s the rank in which your business is rated in terms of relevance and usefulness for someone searching the web for your products or information. The higher your quality score, the better ranking you have. That being said, it’s ...

    The 5 “W’s” of Guest Blogging In Every Industry

    The 5 “W’s” of Guest Blogging In Every Industry

    Although the idea of guest blogging has been around for years, many startup companies are still missing the guest blogging bandwagon. The concept might seem simple, but once you get started, the blogging concept can actually be a bit tricky. Being a guest contributor is a full time job (this coming from a full-time guest blogger), so you have to really make ...