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Adam Morgan is a PPC expert, entrepreneur, blogger, and amiable guy. Follow me on twitter @smorgs13.

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    How To Irk Your Readers In No Time

    How To Irk Your Readers In No Time

    Whether you realize it or not, you’re irking your readers and it’s time to stop. Half the game is getting people long enough for them to become a lead or a consumer of your products and services. This post will cover a few of the things that your readers get annoyed with. Avoid these to build a successful blog: too many links font size font ...

    Getting Depressed With Your Blogging?

    Getting Depressed With Your Blogging?

    You just put up a great post. Now, you’re thinking, Days and weeks go by and no comments come in, except for spam comments which easily get our hopes up. You’re not the only one who has gotten depressed over no comments. Many bloggers think just because they put up a great post that they’re guaranteed comments. This is a myth that ...

    Double Your Website Visitors (Without Blowing Your Budget)

    Double Your Website Visitors (Without Blowing Your Budget)

      Yes, you read that right. You will double your website visitors this month if you understand one word: reciprocity. “OMG Adam, what does word even mean?!” Reciprocity is just a simple term for doing a good deed for someone else and having equivalent deeds coming back to you. In other words, if you apply the techniques I’m about to ...