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Google Adwords

Reviewing to Manage Multiple Accounts

I’ve been working with wordstream for about a month now as a trial to help improve my ppc management workflow for some smaller clients selling toronto photocopiers.
To give a quick back story, my agency, Maple North has roughly 30 active PPC accounts and we were looking for some level of automation to help with negative keyword research, bidding suggestions, quick and easy account overview metrics and more.
Here are the pro’s and con’s of wordstream as I’ve experienced them thus far:

  • Great “20 minute” work shapshot of some low hanging optimization tasks
  • Good blend of Google search query results and results from wordstreams database to compile negatives
  • Ability to review costly keywords that are hurting ROI and recommendations for how to adjust them
  • Reporting of potential cost savings if changes are implemented – great for reporting stats to clients.
  • Competitive monthly cost structure that doesn’t charge per client or a % of client’s spend.
  • Easily split ad groups for better organization


  • Still waiting on them to implement Bing Adcenter management
  • Speed of system overall – seems slow and not responsive
  • Applying ad text changes can be time consuming.

Overall I’m happy with wordstream thus far.  Its not “mind blowing” but for the price, its worth it to help manage workflow for my agency.



  1. your name

    July 5, 2012 at 10:28 am

    Glad to find that the pros outweigh the cons! As of this reply, we just recently launched Bing integration along with an improved ad text tool that’ll save you even more time! (I’ll let our product manager do the talking here:
    As for the system speed – that’s also something high priority on our engineers’ list. I think their not-so-secret code for that project was “Bedrock”.
    Rest assured, we’re listening and doing our best to improve.

    • John Rampton

      July 5, 2012 at 11:18 am

      Thanks for your fast response! We love when companies listed and respond!

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