For years, there has been debate about how much a company should spend on Google Ads campaigns. Paid marketers claim that their channel should receive the most spending, but for many businesses, the money simply isn’t there.
What does this entail, then? Are we done with small enterprises now? Does this imply that Google is off-limits? That is most definitely not the case. I’ll explore the best methods for making sure you’re earning the most of your money in this piece, as well as the fundamental guidelines to follow for any low-spending account.
1.  First vital tip: Fix Leaks
Every energy specialist will tell you that the best way to save money is to keep the heat from leaving your home (strange analogy, but go with me!), and nowhere is this more evident than in this instance.
On accounts, you frequently see search queries that are utterly and absolutely unrelated come in. This often doesn’t pose a significant problem for larger accounts. According to the amount of money spent, advertisers will typically look at the clicks and determine whether or not the work is urgent. Smaller accounts, though, make this more of a problem.
What can you then do? It’s time to put your detective hat on and discover what’s causing the leak, then! The typical places to start are:
- Search Queries
- Location Targeting
- Networks
- Scheduling
2.  Second vital tip: Recall Your Primary Business Objectives
Although any Google AdWords campaign (and any marketing effort in general!) should have this as its main objective! This is especially true for modest spending accounts. Nothing is worse than wasting the very little money you do have available on unnecessary focuses, whether you’re an agency managing a client account, in-house marketing, or even a business owner. Concentrate on it if increasing revenue is your goal. If you need to develop your brand, concentrate on raising awareness. No matter what your strategic objectives are, attempt to keep the lines clear.
3.  Third vital tip: Avoid Siloing Yourself
Continuing from the previous point, it might be easy to overlook what other marketing departments are doing at times. It can be simple to stay isolated from the rest of the agency if you work there. Only leaving the space once every hour to get a coffee and occasionally run into an SEO or social media person. However, I’m scared to tell you that you MUST do more than that if the budget is tight.
Departments can learn where paid campaigns can fit inside that structure with the help of a simple interaction with larger teams. It’s simple to overlook the fact that a marketing campaign’s strongest component is a cohesive message with clear objectives and a consistent tone of voice. Reach out then! How can different teams assist you? Is there a market that you can’t compete in, but that isn’t as competitive naturally? Have you thought about if there might be a social gap in the market? Get in touch with people; doing so will frequently have positive, piggyback impacts on your initiatives.