When you’re selling products or services online, there’s one bottom line: sales. That means that it’s not just important to get visitors to your site; you need to get they to buy. In fact, conversion is, arguably, even more important than traffic. Ten visitors that make a purchase are more valuable than 100 who don’t, right?
There are a lot of tools and techniques out there for improving your shop’s conversion rate. In this article, I’m going to tell you about a simple app that stands out from the rest, because it gives you almost immediate results. What’s more, it gives you a complete set of automated tools to ensure that your rate continues to increase as you utilize it.
Show Your Visitors What They Want
Now, if you read the title of this piece carefully, you may be thinking, “I already have an on site search engine on my store.” Well, that’s good. Giving your potential buyers a way to look for what they want is a definite step in the right direction. Site Search takes that concept to a whole new level, ensuring that your visitors find what they’re looking for, quickly and easily. It doesn’t stop there, either.
Let’s back up a bit. When it’s time to add products to your inventory, how do you decide what to stock? Perhaps you do a market analysis. Maybe you use your best guess based on the kind of clients you’re trying to attract. What if you had a tool that could help you decide what to stock, what to promote and what to place where, all based on actual visitor input and other pertinent data?
If that sounds like much more than a site search engine, it should. Site Search is an entire suite of data collection, analysis and merchandising tools integrated into one intelligent, customizable app that integrates easily into your existing e-commerce platform.
Enhance the Customer Experience
To your visitors, it looks and acts like a website search on steroids. It suggests and searches in real time as they type, and previews merchandise immediately. Updates are lightning-fast and the right products are there for the purchasing in record time. Placement is even optimized to suit each shopper’s geographical location.
Results are displayed with a thumbnail image and “Quick View” button, so there’s no need to jump to product pages and back to get more information. You can even opt to display “Add to Cart” buttons in the zoomed-in view so buyers can make their selections quickly.
Those searchers who want to narrow down their results can use the filters supplied by the Smart Navigation Widget. Just a few clicks are all that’s needed to highlight only the products that match their criteria.
Site Search is a feature-rich, intuitive and friendly experience for your prospective and repeat customers.
Improve Your Merchandising
While your visitors are enjoying the enhanced shopping experience, this intelligent application is working for you in the background. Data is gathered from each on site search and analyzed using the optimization algorithm for placement in the suggestion cue. More importantly, all of that website search information is made available directly to you.
Your Analytics Dashboard gives you access to the activity of your visitors with a clean graphical analysis and the data you need at your fingertips. You can now determine what steps to take with your inventory using the answers to questions like:
- What products are most searched for?
- Do I have those products available?
- How accurate are the search results?
- Are the popular products displaying prominently?
- What products are visitors NOT searching for?
By utilizing these search engine tools, you can easily determine what products to promote, what to order, which items to put on clearance and much more. You can also use the analytics to customize your customers’ site experience for even better engagement. This app gives you insights and control over your merchandising like nothing else.
No Extra Server Load
Because Site Search is cloud-based, it doesn’t place any additional strain on your server’s resources. That means it’s faster for both you and your audience. All those complex processes are handled by dedicated machines while yours does what it’s made to do: deliver content.
By optimizing the search experience for your clients, you encourage them to purchase from you, in an environment they enjoy. For you, reducing server load means avoiding extra fees from your hosting company. That’s a win-win situation and how The Cloud is supposed to work.
It Works with Your Existing Platform
Other search engine tools require a specific back-end or work with a select few of the more popular e-commerce solutions. Site Search is engineered to work seamlessly with your choice of platforms. In fact, you can have it up and running in about 2 hours, without impacting your existing store functions.
If that sounds too good to be true, here’s how it works: Everything that Site Search does is performed via CSS and Javascript. Now, if you’re not a developer, here’s what that means: no modifications are made to your platform’s core programming. None. You can think of it as a transparent layer of functionality that enhances your original website.
It’s Customizable
This incredible app is ready to run with any of the popular e-commerce solutions and more. You’re running Magento? No problem. ASPDotNetStorefront? It will work. Volusion, NetSuite or 3dcart? Got it covered!
So, what if you have an e-commerce engine you’ve created yourself? Perhaps you’ve found something the developers at Fast Simon haven’t see yet. Heck, maybe you just want some functionality you don’t see included in the app.
None of the above will keep you from taking advantage of everything Site Search has to offer, because the developers will do a custom build for you! They’ve done so for some of the most high-end online stores and they can meet your needs, too.
Wrapping it Up
I could go on all day about how much this single search engine tool will impact your customer conversion rate. I won’t, because you’d only get tired of reading and the fact is, all the information you need is available on their website.
Stop working your fingers to the bone to increase your sales and get the one application that will boost your profits with minimal effort on your part. Find out more about Site Search now!