From reading the title to this article, you will probably be thinking that this is going to be a ‘too good to be true’ article. However, it is a fact to say that there are many ways you can make money online. The main way is through a website which has traffic. If you have a website with traffic, you are well on the way to making money online as a website with traffic can be monetized in different ways. Below are five ways you can make money online from a website with traffic.
Pay Per Click Advertising
Without doubt, PPC is one of the best ways for a website to make money. With programs from online giants such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, it is clear that a lot of time and effort has been spent into making PPC the best form of advertising out there. With PPC, you make money every time a web user clicks on a PPC advert. Therefore, there is the risk that you will make little money if the CTR is dismal. This is why it is important to know how to increase the CTR of PPC adverts.
Banner Advertising
Banner advertising is the next best form of advertising online with the best program being . Banner advertising works by charging advertisers a fixed price per 30 days for an ad unit. This means that forecasting your cash flow will be much easier since you know exactly how much you will be making. The only problem with banner advertising comes with trying to sell the advertising spaces. It is all good when they have sold on your website. However, you are not guaranteed to sell your units straight away and all at once: this is why banner advertising works well alongside PPC.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing works by displaying products that the web user may be interested in purchasing. The beauty with affiliate marketing is that you do not get paid for each click on the advert. Instead, if the web user purchases that product you successfully advertised on your website, you get a proportion of the sale. This means if they end up buying something very expensive because of you, you make more money!
A word of warning should be giving out that affiliate marketing works best with websites that promote the web user into wanting to buy something (such as a review website etc.)
Selling Digital Products
From the above, it is clear the best way to monetize a website is through some means of advertising. However, if you do not want to use advertising, you could try to sell a digital product on your website instead. This could range from a music file to a video. But, in most cases, bloggers tend to create and publish eBooks to sell. Although this is a great way to make money online, you will have to put far more effort into this form than advertising which is what puts most people off it.
Sandeep Rao
May 15, 2014 at 5:59 am
I think, one have to be extraordinary in some aspect to make most out from these services. Although, these ways of money making are just the best.
One new way (trending these days) of making a good money is by selling digital products such a software tool, an eBook, or some kind of tutorial series in digital format. But all these can be done only when you are the master in that field.
For bloggers, selling eBooks is a wonderful idea. One can publish a quality eBook for some sort of tutorials, or some new idea for marketing, an SEO campaign etc.
I have noticed that there are some reputed bloggers in the sphere who are already making a good revenue through selling tutorials and marketing strategies through their valuable eBooks.
Recently, I found Rand Fishkin’s SEO course on some MOOC platform. And I must say, it was wonderful experience to learn some amazing things about SEO from him.
Anyways, thanks for sharing on
May 15, 2014 at 1:30 pm
Selling a Digital product works in these days and the rest methods are hard to earn money online. Affiliate marketing works some methods, but it is too hard to get roll the ball all time.
There are even more ways to make money online, but ebooks are the one worse thing that people hates to buy them. The days has been reached to close ebook sales.
An Example SEO is a lot different in these days comparing to previous days, So those SEO books are waste and have dispose them in dustbin.
Found this link on
May 16, 2014 at 10:23 am
Hi Will Green,
This article post is great but the title is abit misleading. Reading through this article post, it only talk about the “The 4 Ways to Monetize your Blog or Making Money with website”
If the article title is to strictly followed, it should talk about different ways of making online like BLOGGING, ARTICLE WRITING, LOGO DESIGN, INTERNET MARKETING and so on.
But notwithstanding, the article content it’s self is great and it explain exclusively how someone can make money through his/her website.
Thanks for this article and hope to always visit your blog to read more interesting post from you.
Have a nice weekend
I found the link to this post on Kingged and i have also kingged it on
George mensah
May 18, 2014 at 6:55 pm
for the ppc , how can I make money with MSN and yahoo ?