Advertising is an effective way for businesses to get more traffic and sales. If not done properly then businesses will not be able to see evident results. Even a small mistake can cost businesses money. Every single penny they save counts!
So to help your business perform well on the search engines, here I am with pay-per-click advertising tricks and tactics that you can definitely make part of your online advertising campaign. Apart from helping you save money, your business can also generate more leads using these advertising tricks.
Focus on quality
You bid on the best keywords that match your business using the PPC advertising. Theoretically, it sounds awesome. But, let me tell you it is not that simple. Suppose, you are ranking for the keyword that will interest your customers then you are going get more traffic, right? In the original scenario, it is not that easy.
Suppose you are in the business of selling handmade leather bags. If the customers search for handmade leather bags then they will directly get to you. On the other hand, what if they are looking for free handmade leather bags? So it is for sure that your advertisement will not pop up in the top search results and you will not be able to convert the search into a lead and then into a sale.
Moreover, what if someone is searching for the product in the middle of the night? You cannot answer your customer queries or involve in a live chat. Being the least possible time to make conversions, running advertisements at this hour of the day is not going to help you.
By opting for PPC campaign, you will be able to attract quality traffic towards the website and save some serious money. Better quality will definitely help you make more conversions at lesser investment. So here I have brought to you the 5 Google PPC tactics that can help your business with conversions while saving money.
1. Negative keywords
Negative keywords work the other way compared to the normal keywords. According to Google, when you make use of negative keywords, your ad will be prevented from showing up on the search results for certain words or phrases. It simply passes the message to Google that whenever someone looks for those words, your ad should not be showed in the result.
You can make a list of such negative keywords and then use them in your PPC advertisements. You can use those keywords which you are sure of not going to get any positive results.
2. Ad schedule
What if you only want your ad to be shown on the search engines during the certain time of the day or only on particular days -The time when you are available to hear and solve customer queries?
The fact is that many businesses are unaware of the fact that their ads can be shown only when they actually want them to be shown. As per the default setting, the ads are shown throughout the day on the search engines.
If you too want to bid your ad for a particular time, you can do it. This will help you to adjust and increase the bid to the specific time or days. This way you can be sure that your ad campaign is carried out at the time when you can get more sales within the budget.
You can learn from your conversion history and know at what time of the day you can convert more sales and place your ad campaigns accordingly.
3. Keyword selection
Setting up a PPC campaign without having the knowledge of certain terms can be one of the mistakes that marketers are making in the present scenario. The phrases include phrase match, broad match, broad match modifier and exact match.
A proper understanding of the terms will help you set your ad campaign accordingly. It is important to choose the right terms in the keyword tab of the campaign. Doing so you will be able to save your ad from displaying on the search engine for irrelevant terms. You can even make use of the negative keyword in your campaigns.
4. Quality score
Are your keywords performing well? Is there any need to make any changes? You can understand that well using the Quality Score. It helps to judge your keyword on a scale of 1-10. Here Google checks whether the landing pages, ad campaigns and the keywords used are relevant to the users or not. If your Quality Score is high, you will get a higher position on the search result for a lesser cost.
5. Keep testing
When it comes to digital marketing the best thing is that you can have two ad copy and then make them run simultaneously so that you can choose the better performing one. This will help you know which one gets you more clicks that too at lesser costs.
Start your ad campaign with four set of ad copy and see which one works better for you. Once you find the best performer you can work it against new set and know which ad works better.
When it comes to Pay-Per-Click advertisement, your saving starts from the every penny you save in the process. So by using right keywords, checking the Quality Score and continuously checking the ad copy, you will be able to come up with effective PPC campaign which can help you save good.