PPC Tips Written by 0

Composing and creating the perfect search advert, well, it does not exist. There is always room for improvement with a PPC campaign, it is just a matter of time, money and cost. Saying this, there are certain elements which can contribute to a search advert gaining the best click through rate, whilst promoting your brand and image. Here are five elements which contribute to a successful PPC search advert.


Call to action in Title and Description

Call to actions are one of the easiest and effective ways to improve the click through rate (CTR) of a search advert. In essence, the call to action is guiding web users to exactly what you need them to do to convert. If web users are more likely to know what they should do, and how they should interact with your advert/PPC campaign, they are more likely convert for you.

With this, it is a good idea to include a call to action in your title and description, one of each. If you use call to actions anymore than that, you put at risk your search advert forcing the message across.


Brand/URL at the End of Title

If a web user does not click onto your advert, that shouldn’t mean you don’t benefit. This is why it is a good idea to stick the brand or URL of your company at the end of the title, such as ‘| PPC.org’ for this website. This allows the brand/URL to become more recognised with the contextual search phrase the web user is searching. If you do this over time, you will be improving the brand awareness of your company without paying a cent.


Quantifiable Enticing Data

Including some sort of numbers in the search advert helps to encourage web users to click onto your advert, since it gives the web user a quantifiable way of comparing your search advert against the competition. This makes clear that you should only do this if you are a market leader: i.e. you are the cheapest, or offer the ‘best’ numbers for whatever it is you are marketing.


Ad Extension

Google allows you to use a range of different ad extensions in your search advert, such as site links, location, telephone numbers, ratings, reviews and more.

In general, ad extensions are a great way to add some content and contextuality to your website, which will all encourage web users to click onto it. Ad extensions can even skip out the ‘middle man’ landing page, if your conversion is directly convertable from the ad extension.


‘True’ URL Used

When it comes to choosing what URL to display in the search advert, there is generally one rule to stick by above them all: does it work?

You can choose a good looking URL, that is short and full of keywords. However, if you try and use the URL in your web browser, and it throws up a 404, what’s the point?

For this reason, always check the URL you use in PPC actually works. If it doesn’t, set up a 301 redirect for it to the landing page you’re using for that PPC campaign.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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