Dating continues to be one of the most lucrative ways to make money with affiliate marketing. Not only does the industry generate billions of dollars every year for online marketers, but it’s also an easy niche to get started with as well. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of competition and it will take a lot of work to stay profitable over time — however, since there are so many different ways to target, track and monetize dating offers, there is simply a world of opportunity.
To get the most out of your dating ad campaigns, you need to be able to effectively track your campaign and know how to niche down on your target audience as much as possible. This is a topic that was recently discussed on AdsBridge, in their how to scale with online dating ads article.
Based off the content previously mentioned in their article, I thought it would make for a good summary article on actionable tips that every online marketer should implement into their existing campaigns — whether they are dating or within another niche.
Five Ways to Improve Dating Campaigns Profits and Conversions
In the world of online dating and advertising, it’s all about hitting your target audience. The better the ads you can create for your audience, the more likely they will click and ultimately sign up their dating network you are promoting. Since most dating sites pay out a few dollars for every free signup, it’s your job to have the necessary landing pages, tracking and geographic targeting in place — all of which we will be covering in this article.
Custom Landing Pages for Your Target Audience
While most dating web sites have a generic main page to their site, it’s the affiliate marketers responsibility to create highly targeted landing pages to hit their direct demographic audience. For example, if you were promoting a dating offer and were targeting men who were looking for single women, it would be in your best interest to send them to a landing page with single women related photos on the page. Other landing page targeting options include location, interests and age.
Deep Level Demographic Targeting
After creating your landing pages, you should then focus your efforts on drilling down your demographic audience as much as possible. In the past, when you ran an ad campaign, you might just buy up as much advertising space as possible across a wide range of sites. Now thanks to the use of self serve advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and other third party networks, you can pick and choose the age, location and full demographics of the audience you are targeting.
Utilizing Plenty of Fish for New Leads
In addition to Facebook Ad’s self serve advertising platform, Plenty of Fish has a similar setup of their own. This network has become a huge driver of leads for many affiliates, as their network is already made up of people who are looking for dating online. What’s even more exciting is that they offer even more in-depth demographic targeting than other networks — such as pet ownership, body type, hair color and more.
Split Testing Your Call to Action Area
To know what’s working best with your landing page and where people are clicking, you should setup split test tracking on your page. This will allow you to make minor changes to your landing page. One of the most important areas of your landing page, is the “call to action” area. Everything from your colors, wording, image size and location can effect your end conversions. Play around with different options and see how your conversions swing.
Pixel Tracking and Stats Management
In addition to everything else mentioned, having the proper pixel tracking and stats tracking and management over your campaigns is also important. If you aren’t tracking clicks, leads and conversions on your end, there is no telling what the advertiser and network might be missing or skimming. Since there are so many different options for setting up internal tracking these days, it’s an option that every affiliate shouldn’t be without.
Actionable Tips for Every Affiliate Marketers
The next step for every affiliate marketer, is to make sure their ad campaigns are fully monetized and tracking on all levels. If you are unsure about how to set any of this up, you can refer to AdsBridge, which has a complete and reliable tracking solution in place. Best of all, they are currently giving away free access to their platform to all affiliate marketers.
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on
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