Monthly Archives: August 2017

White hat vs. Black hat: building links for immediate success

White hat vs. Black hat: building links for immediate success Black hat SEOs are the bad guys, and white hat SEOs are the good guys. Now, that sounds rather tongue in cheek, but that is the truth. It is quite simple to understand if you think of it this way – all white hat SEOs follow the rules Google has laid down for search engine optimization. Black hat practitioners manipulate the ...

3 Overlooked Elements to a Website for Good SEO

3 Overlooked Elements to a Website for Good SEO Search engine optimisation is one of, if not, the most crucial part to a website – it is was decides how much traffic the website gets and can work both as a catalyst to improving/reducing organic traffic and ranking. For this reason, lots of time is spent by website owners to continually improve their SEO prescence, to ...

Is Your Adsense RPM Decreasing? Here’s Why…

Is Your Adsense RPM Decreasing? Here’s Why… For the vast majority of websites out there (and YouTube channels, for that matter as well), they will be generating a lot of their revenue from advertising platforms mainly being Google Adsense. Gaining revenue per click/view is a fundamental concept to PPC for which has proven to benefit both advertisers and publishers alike. ...

Trends that can affect search rankings for the keywords

Trends that can affect search rankings for the keywords 12 billion internet searches per month happen in the US alone. Some of them are most likely performed by ideal customers interested in what you have to provide. To make sure your search engine visibility and ranking are preserved, you must be receptive to changes happening in search results. The best advice would be to keep an ...

The Prime Benefits of Utilizing Keyword Research Tools for SEO

The Prime Benefits of Utilizing Keyword Research Tools for SEO Your website’s pages need to be effectively optimized for the most relevant keywords for your products and services. In this context, you must know that keyword research is actually the process of doing thorough research and selecting words and phrases that would most likely be used by users on the search engine. As far as ...

airconco – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

airconco – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign The last PPC campaign I analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ series was from wpengine, who had a good search advert and a great landing page, especially due to the fact that had the option of live chat to a human within seconds of landing onto the web page. With it being the middle of summer, something that ...

How to Pick the Right Domain for a Website

How to Pick the Right Domain for a Website When it comes to creating a website or undertaking a PPC campaign, a crucial factor to your website or landing page is with the domain name that you choose to use. In an ideal world, we would all like to choose whatever domain name we want that we think fits best with our website/landing page’s needs. However, after the ...

Google Tests New Enhanced Sitelinks in PPC

Google Tests New Enhanced Sitelinks in PPC The changes that Google make to their pay per click advertising platform tend to correlate towards improving the user experience when using PPC as well as improving the click through rate (CTR) of adverts too. The latest innovation from the tech giants comes in how they display enhanced sitelinks in PPC as an ad extension for ...

Does Social Media Marketing Really Benefit SEO?

Does Social Media Marketing Really Benefit SEO? The way that Google ranks a site on the first page of its search results (for any given search term) are the ones which they consider to be most useful and relevant to a user. There are hundreds of factors which rank one website above another. Google doesn’t let people know what those factors are, but through a combination of ...