Monthly Archives: April 2015

Optimising PPC For ‘The Buyers’

Optimising PPC For ‘The Buyers’ After looking at both the browsers and the shoppers, it is time to now look at the last segmentation traffic which is the buyers. What we found out about the shoppers was that they are a great segmentation of traffic to target because they know what they want but they do not know what type of what they want to buy yet (washy ...

Optimising PPC For ‘The Shoppers’

Optimising PPC For ‘The Shoppers’ As I have said in the previous article on this topic, there are three types of traffic any advertiser can target in PPC. There are the browsers who are indecisive and need guiding, the shoppers and the buyers. What we found was that the browsers will usually adopt a high cost per click for vague search phrases, a low conversion ...