Monthly Archives: February 2015

5 Incredible Ways to Lower Your CPC for PPC Campaigns

5 Incredible Ways to Lower Your CPC for PPC Campaigns PPC campaigns are obviously an integral part of any successful business’ overall internet marketing strategy, but can be extremely costly if you don’t know what you’re doing. For those new to PPC advertising, it’s easy to assume that campaigns are cheap because you’re only paying for the clicks you get. However, costs ...

Is Pay-Per-Click for You? By Brian Newmark

Is Pay-Per-Click for You? By Brian Newmark If you spend any time thinking about digital marketing then you have probably heard about pay-per-click (PPC). There are those who say that this type of advertising is affordable and the best way for small businesses to get their products and services to show up on Google and Bing searches. That’s true, but the real answer to ...

The Book People – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

The Book People – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign The last article that was analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ was Singapore GP, who created a very premium feel to the campaign to make the web user want to buy the ticket to the Grand Prix at any cost. You will tend to find campaigns do this if their pricing is not sensitive towards their target market ...

3 Ways PPC Can Cost You Money

3 Ways PPC Can Cost You Money It is widely known that PPC is one of, if not the, most effective way to advertise online with the likes of and banner advertising trailing well behind. This does not mean pay per click advertising is going to work for every type of person out there. It is flexible to the advertiser’s needs, yes. However, there are ...

Local SEO for Google Pigeon

Local SEO for Google Pigeon Written by: Jacob Emmy Local is one of the fastest growing areas of SEO today. With more people using mobile search to find businesses near them and the ever expanding scope of local businesses using the web, it has become fertile ground for new campaigns. We now live in the age of Pigeon. Well, that may be a bit of an ...

SEO vs PPC – Which One Should You Use?

SEO vs PPC – Which One Should You Use? This is a question that will have been asked by just about every online advertiser out there. On one side of the argument, search engine optimisation seems the more logical approach to gaining consistent amounts of high quality traffic. However, surely with the amount of people using PPC around the world (in their millions), ...

Making Your Business Stand Out on Social Media

Making Your Business Stand Out on Social Media Wherever you go these days social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others are a permeating force in the general populous, and thus have become an excellent source of advertising for businesses of all sizes. With a little help, any business can harness the energy of social media to their advantage. Here are a few ...

Singapore GP – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

Singapore GP – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign The last article to be analysed in the ‘Analysed A Real PPC Campaign’ series looked at SocialBro, who had both a well designed search advert and landing page: the search advert was dense with the brand name ‘SocialBro’ while the landing page was an effective click through page. In this article, with the ...

Here’s A Few Things PPC Advertisers Should Consider…

Here’s A Few Things PPC Advertisers Should Consider… The first thing advertisers of PPC need to know is that there is never a definitive right answer to online advertising. With every decision you make, it is a constant argument where you will have to try and weigh up the pros and cons of the situation and come to a conclusion to what you are going to do. This article is designed ...

Some Useful PPC Articles From January 2015

Some Useful PPC Articles From January 2015 It’s the first instalment of the ‘Some Useful Articles’ round up with the last month having a great selection of articles ranging from PPC tips to SEO to talk about landing pages. In this article, we can expect to see some really helpful articles around the topic of PPC: not only because there always is, but ...

SocialBro – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign

SocialBro – Analyse A Real PPC Campaign The last article to be analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ series was Dove. What we found from their campaign was that simplicity in the search advert can be the catalyst to the performance of it while the landing page was well optimised. Although it is against Twitter’s terms and conditions to buy ...

Optimise the URL Element of a PPC Search Advert

Optimise the URL Element of a PPC Search Advert As you probably know already, the search advert is one of, if not the, most crucial element to pay per click advertising. In essence, the whole of PPC is focused around the text advert. For this reason, it is vital for advertisers to be able to optimise the search advert in order to improve the performance of their campaign. ...

The Latest PPC News – Apple Search Engine and Tweets on Google…

The Latest PPC News – Apple Search Engine and Tweets on Google… It is good practice to keep up to date with the industry you are in regarding news story. For this reason, here are the latest topics of conversation within the world of pay per click advertising for February 2015. Not only are this stories interesting, they may also affect the future for PPC…

7 Steps to a Digital Strategy

7 Steps to a Digital Strategy The days of taking a business online and “winging it” have been over for a few years now, so why are so many digital marketing professionals still posting content without a concrete digital strategy? Smart Insights and TMF&A teamed up to create a list of steps to create a robust digital strategy with long-term goals and ...

The Prominent Features of a Successful Adwords Campaign

The Prominent Features of a Successful Adwords Campaign Adwords is the ‘in’ thing for the marketers right now as it helps them drive targeted traffic to their website without waiting for months or without getting involved in some SEO mumbo-jumbo. But the joy of the marketers seem to be short-lived as the price for Clicks shoots up significantly as more and more people start ...

A Tips, job Interview Q& What Are Your Goals for future years

A Tips, job Interview Q& What Are Your Goals for future years Create a subject for your book based on which it’s about. Whether you’re buying finest male toast or any other sort of Essay Writing Tips sample toasts, there are many taste toasts that Help With College Essay Admission you may reap the benefits of using the Internet. You truly need to really make a difference and ...