Now that you know how to start creating ads on Plenty of Fish, you will need to learn what it takes to bring your advertising game to a new level. A well known affiliate marketer, who has had a lot of success in the online dating space, and especially with Plenty of Fish space, is Riley Pool. Riley just released a new membership training site which teaches you everything you need to know about starting out on POF, then scaling your campaigns to generate hundreds, then even thousands of dollars per day.
POF PRIMER: The #1 Guide to Make Money Online by Advertising on
POF Primer is made up of eight different categories, which breaks down the key points of creating successful ad campaigns on Plenty of Fish. These areas include Overview, POF Basics, Campaign Creation, Creating Ads, Optimize & Scaling, Reporting and finally Research. You can see what is covered in each of these areas below. (taken from Riley Pool’s blog)
- Targeting – This is the single most crucial part of your campaign. Every single targeting option is broken down in detail and I discuss how you can use multiple targeting options to create angles for your campaigns.
- Ad Copy – I cover every aspect of writing your ad, including the use of POF’s dynamic insertion tags and how to increase your CTR. I even give away the ad copy that has been responsible for the bulk of my revenue over the past 3 years.
- Creatives – I give away the same creatives I’ve used over the last year and a half that has generated me revenues approaching seven figures. There are also links to a virtually endless supply of creatives, both male and female.
- Optimizing Campaigns – If you’re getting conversions, but having a tough time getting profitable, I break down how to properly optimize your campaign to realize a positive ROI.
- Scaling Campaigns – I explain 11 different ways you can scale your campaigns on POF to turn into a real moneymaker.
- Case Studies – If you’ve seen the case studies I’ve done on this blog, this just expands on that information. There are few case studies I’ve done on POF that haven’t been posted anywhere else! On a few of the new case studies I even go as far as giving you my best creatives, including the profitable ones from my WAP case study!
- External Case Studies – A collection of 10 more case studies that have been posted across the Internet about POF that includes everything from the new Pets targeting option, the new 310×110 placements, similar, but different headlines, border and background shading and most importantly, even profitable campaigns that are outside of the dating vertical.
- Further Research – Another collection of great POF information you can put to use including a scraper, the POF demographic tool and blog posts I’ve gathered that will help you increase your ROI.
POF Primer in a Nut Shell
If you are currently advertising on Facebook Ads and have yet to get your feet wet with Plenty of Fish advertising, joining POF Primer is an excellent way to jump right into what matters and learning how to create campaigns that make money. If you are looking for full case studies and ad copies that you can just copy and hope to make money, you won’t find them in POF Primer. This system is built as a learning tool and if you follow the step by step guide to creating better ad campaigns, while also viewing all of the case studies available, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to succeed.
Getting Access to the Full POF Primer Members Area
As you can see, there is a great deal of content offered through the membership site. Depending on the amount of content, you can join with a different subscription model. For those who want the full bundle and lifetime updates, you would want the “POF Primer” account, which is a one time $59.99 fee. If you just want access to specific areas of the site, you can choose from the lower end lifetime subscriptions, which are $19.99 and $27.99 depending on what you would like to have access to.
If you are looking to do some long term POF advertising, it probably makes sense to join for the “POF Primer” for $59.99 as it will give you full access to everything, along with lifetime updates… and you can never be sure what changes Plenty of Fish might make in the future, or new content that will be added to the site.
Be sure to use coupon code “zacjohnson” when signing up, and you will save 10%!
– Discover the Secrets of POF Primer