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Those in the business of online marketing need to constantly keep pace with the multiple channels available to them. Each of these channels is constantly evolving. However, perhaps none of them match the dynamic pace of pay-per-click or PPC. Here are some trends that are keeping online marketers on their toes.

Social Media Leads The Way

Social media campaigns have now grown to support metrics collection and tracking systems. This will help a brand stay in the loop about its successes and failures. Sites such as Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter go a long way in promoting and expanding the reach of your paid search campaign. Promoted tweets, pins and also page post ads are now the most relevant tools in PPC management.

Moving To Mobile

Mobile phone penetration is unprecedented. Most sites today are being optimized for the small screen. This is mainly being done to promote any PPC activity that may take place. The only concern that continues to plague this segment is the fact that tracking of these clicks is difficult. This is because cookies do not pass across varying devices. Currently the average conversion rate stands at around 3.7% for desktops and timetables combined compared to a miniscule 1.9% for mobiles. The mobile PPC quest may still be nascent, but if you are not on it currently, you are missing out on a significant revenue chunk.

Flexibility Is Key

Marketers today may take advantage of the bid strategy or may even modify a bid based on percentage numbers. For those who constantly like to fine tune their campaigns, this is a perfect enhancement. Facebook too has recently joined the flexibility bandwagon. There is an increase in granular bidding and the ability to opt for several choices at once, ensures your campaign makes a lasting impact. With this flexibility, you may be able to create scores of strategies that will improve on your ROI. As with any other marketing strategy, this endeavor will require significant investments of both time and money.

Keywords Are Trending

The focus of keywords has shifted from marketing specific, to end-user centric. The results that pop up between the two are drastically different. This will help any brand narrow down on ways in which to convert a consumer and boost revenue for itself. By using more specific keywords, like “rental house management Houston”, instead of more basic keywords like “rental”, you can ensure that you are targeting the right customers.

As the PPC industry continues to evolve, the focus will remain on the search intent. Demographical-based information will now be able to provide more value to keywords and will help observers target exactly those sectors that will contribute to a rise in revenue. This system will prove revolutionary to online marketers. It will help them reduce costs in terms of targeting the wrong audience. There is also hope that sometime this year is when the PPC industry will witness an evolution of image extensions. They are poised to move from beta to mainstream. There will also be a predominance of Adwords as far as all SERPs placed above the fold go.

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