The last campaign I analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ series was IG’s who appeared to have a well optimised search advert – for the landing page, that was where things started to go downhill. The problem I have found with analysing the last 5-10 campaigns in the series is that the campaigns tend to have a good search advert and a bad landing page or vice versa. To make a success out of PPC, both the advert and landing page and everything else in between need to be well optimised. In this article, I will be looking into car parts so, without further ado, here is a PPC campaign analysis of Euro Car Parts.
To view Euro Car Part’s search advert, I had to type into Google search UK, ‘car parts’:Straight away, it is clear Euro Car Parts have adopted a high CPC strategy to gain top spot and fend off any competition from others such as carparts4less. Looking at the advert, it has lots of benefits and a few drawbacks:
- The title is pretty much perfect for the advert. It addresses what the web user searched, makes it clear that it is convenient to the web user and also gives the web user some enticement due to being cheap/discounted.
- The description continues where the title left off by making clear there is free postage and packaging and the possibility to collect now. So, if the title was not enough to entice the web user into the click, the description would give that extra bit of ammunition to persuade the web user over.
- Everything after the description is there to provide information for the web user such as the different areas of the website plus the location of Euro Car Parts (to make clear that they have offline presence too).
- However, I do feel there might be just a little too much going on in this advert.
- Surely the MOT10 10% discount should be mentioned somewhere a bit more noticeable as everyone loves a discount code!
After clicking on the above advert, I came to the following landing page:From the different range of landing pages out there, it is clear that this is not a specific landing page that has been created for the campaign. Instead, Euro Car Parts have sent web users to the ‘Car Parts’ section of their website.
Now, for the majority of campaigns that do this, it is lazy and will result in a poor performing landing page. However, there is an exception (such as an Amazon styled landing page). Euro Car Parts have used this section of their website as the landing page because it enables the web user to find the specific car parts he or she is searching for – a dedicated landing page is not needed because the objective of this landing page is to get the web user to browse. Therefore, bearing this in mind, it is an effective landing page for the campaign.
May 27, 2016 at 9:18 pm
That’s really thiiknng out of the box. Thanks!