Article marketing has been an effective and costly method for building backlinks over the past several years. That was of course until the latest Google Panda update, which slapped the heck out of content farms and article directories. Some people still believe that article marketing is still a great way to build links and rank in the engines, but for the most part, many people have left article marketing for other solutions.One method that has become available, is outsourcing your link management to companies like RankPay, who specialized in building backlinks and increasing your sites rankings in the search engines, but most importantly, only charging you when you get results! I recently had a multi-part interview with Justin from the Rank Pay team and asked him some of your most requested questions about web site ranking and how you can improve your rankings in the search engines. One of these questions was on article marketing, which you can read below.
How effective is article marketing for web sites, in terms of seo rank and keywords? (ie: using backlinks as keywords and submitting one article vs. weekly for the same site)
Backlink building is one of the most important things that you can do for your Search Engine rankings. While article marketing is a great strategy to build highly relevant backlinks to a website, it must be executed properly to see results from a rankings perspective. When backlinking you want to make sure that you have links from a variety of websites and not only a single one. Therefore make sure that you are submitting articles to more websites than just Ezinearticles. Next you want to make sure that your links include your keyword, also known as anchor text. Anchor text helps the search engines better understand the content of the item that its linking to.
If you would like to learn more about RankPay and how you can start ranking higher in the search engines, jump over to their site and enter your domain into their search box. You will see instant results for where your site ranks, along with how much it would cost you to rank in the top 30 results for any of your specified terms.