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Paul Henry is an experienced professional in the field of Internet Marketing. His years of experience in the field of SEO, Pay per Click and Social Media Marketing have made him an authority on all things digital. He is an experienced writer having written and published several articles on the subject of Internet Marketing.

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    Top WordPress Tools to Automate Tasks and Save Time

    Top WordPress Tools to Automate Tasks and Save Time

    We all know how easy it is to create websites using WordPress only. One of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress functions well for both personal as well as business purpose. However, creating a website is one thing but running it completely another, especially if your website is prone to receive a lot of visitors, things can get pretty intense. ...

    Digital Marketing In 2018 – What Will Be The Trends

    Digital Marketing In 2018 – What Will Be The Trends

    As the new year is on the horizon, many digital marketers will be evaluating the year that has gone by. They will be gauging the performance of their various campaigns and drilling down on what has worked for them this past year and which strategies have been complete failures. Although, every campaign is different because every product or service along ...

    Copywriting – An Essential Aspect of SEO

    Copywriting – An Essential Aspect of SEO

    One of the oldest sayings in the world of SEO is that “content is king”. No matter how many years go by and whatever changes come in Google’s algorithm, the importance of content remains the same. Good content is the backbone of every successful digital marketing strategy. All other plans can fall flat on their faces if your content is weak and not up ...