You’ve likely heard good things about PPC.
It’s faster than SEO. More reliable. More manageable.
But as with any new bit of technology, there are things you should know before you jump all the way in.
Understanding the best ways to use PPC marketing can be a complex series of experimentation and learning opportunities.
Pay-per-click marketing, or PPC, is a form of internet marketing where you – the advertiser – pay a fee every time someone clicks on your ads online. You’re essentially paying per click. (It turns out the name is rather self-explanatory).
PPC is done through keywords typically on a search engine. You bid, or decide to pay, $1 every time someone clicks on a keyword phrase.
When someone types the phrase in a search engine, your ad might appear near the top of the rankings along with the other results. The searcher clicks on your ad, he heads over to your site to hopefully buy something, and you now owe the search engine $1.
The real magic behind PPC is sorting out the best ads to place and the right price to pay for each of those clicks.
That’s why we have gathered bits of advice from experts and professionals who know a thing or two about Pay-Per-Click marketing.
PPC RoundUp
1) Neil Patel | Blog | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter
Neil Patel |
Neil Tweet
If you are starting with PPC you should first use SEMrush to see what your competition is bidding on, this will give you a good idea of what is working and what isn’t. You should first test out those keywords because if they convert well for your competition they will probably convert for you to.
By Neil Patel
2) Adam Connell | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Adam Connell |
Facebook Ads are a great option if you’re just getting started.
But what really makes a difference is putting your ads in front of people who are already aware of your brand.
Using Facebook’s tracking pixel is a great way to do this.
Just add the pixel to your site, and soon you’ll have a custom audience to use for your Facebook Ads – full of people that have visited your site.
Of course, the more targeted traffic you get to your website, the more useful this will be.
(Note: always double check that you’ve changed the ad spend from daily to lifetime. This will ensure you know exactly how much you’re spending, without accidentally going over your ad budget).
3) Zac Johnson | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
My best tip for anyone wanting to get started with PPC marketing is to understand how to split test properly. When I refer to ‘split testing’, I’m referring to having this done on all levels — such as ad copy, titles, traffic sources, landing pages, conversions and everything in between.
This is the single most important thing you can do when running ad campaign. At the same time, never attempt to run a PPC campaign unless you have conversion / pixel tracking in place. Without this, you simply won’t be able to define what campaigns and traffic sources are working best.
4) Dave Schneider | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
I wrote about when businesses should invest in PPC ads some time ago here. In a nutshell, if your customer value is at least 3x more than the cost to acquire them, then go for PPC. It’s important to ask yourself first: Is your lifetime value per customer high enough to justify acquiring them through a pay-per-click-channel?
If your business is extremely targeted, such as by location, PPC then becomes a financially reasonable option, and not so if your demographic is too big. Finally, it may sound cliche but, if you can find buyer keywords with a high search volume and low competition, then PPC is your friend.
5) Kulwant Negi | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | YouTube | LinkedIn |
Tapping in the mind of your customers with the right psychological words used in your ad copy are the big winning factors to motivate your customer to buy your product.You must master the skills of persuasion and influence to motivate them make the decision right now.
6) Gail Gardner | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Linkedin | Google+
Gail Gardner |
Only run search ads – never display ads – unless you are already buying all the search traffic there is. (People search when they’re ready to buy while display ads generate primarily curiosity clicks from people who are not likely to buy at that time.) The point is to risk as little money as you can while testing different titles, ad creatives, and possibly even landing pages. Ensure that the ads you create contain the keyword phrases in that ad group. Do not include any keywords that are not in the ad. Make sure the landing page is specific to that ad. The more targeted the landing page is to the ad content, the better your conversion rate will be. I strongly advise against having Google set up your campaigns or using the suggestions that pop into your account. Their reps are trained to encourage you to spend as much as possible. Your goal should be to spend as little as possible to increase profitability.
7) Pradeep Kumar | Blog | Twitter| Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
PradeepKumar |
The first and foremost thing I always remember whenever I work on any PPC project is the “Budget” limitation. Just because you have plenty of money, it doesn’t mean you can spend all of them in a campaign. Your real success lies in the fact how well you manage the money for your PPC conversions.
I regularly use Google AdWords for PPC, and their Keyword Planner is a fine tool to analyze cost-effective keywords and its competitiveness. It’s a trial and error method, but it primarily depends on your audience as well. If you are targeting a city-specific product, like a sweet or flower, then you don’t exactly have a wider audience, it’s subtle, and you don’t need to spend more for this. Always have a smart budget and try not to invest unnecessarily.
8) Mary Green | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Mary Green |
My number one tip for someone starting PPC ads is to start with a very small budget, and one word keyword groups. You want to move slowly or you’ll blow your entire budget without results. PPC takes time to build, be patient.
9) Deborah | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest |linkedIn |
Deborah |
“Do It!” That sounds easy, but many times, especially with newbies, it can be overwhelming. Whether it is a case of lack of experience, lack of confidence, fear of the unknown, or whatever the case may be, a person may choose not to take the first step. However, you need to realize that it is ok to feel uncomfortable. That is very common the first time you do anything. Jump in with both feet and try it out for yourself. Implement some of the basic tips that you read from my cohorts here in this roundup. Over time, you will surely become better and more effective at the process of PPC as you do it more and more often. You are also sure to realize the personal and business benefits of the practice of PPC. Best to you!
10) Uttoran Sen | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Uttoran Sen |
Selecting an image for the PPC ad can be tricky. Select only images were the eyes in the image follows the product or the message of the ad. That way – anyone watching the image will quickly see where the person in the image is looking at – and that way the message in the ad will get more eyeballs.
11) Anh Nguyen | Blog | Twitter | Facebook |
Anh Nguyen |
PPC can be overwhelming at first, especially when you are not sure what converts and what doesn’t. Don’t start on huge campaigns. Spread out your investment on several small ones, test the water first. Try targeting slightly different audiences, use negative keywords, experiment with different wording on your ad copy. Don’t worry too much about click rates, focus on your conversion instead. Ask what’s working, what isn’t? How can you improve your campaign and/ or landing page? Cut out the edge and pick the winners. Rinse and repeat.
12) Cent M | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Cent M |
It is not hard to get started on a PPC campaign. You can choose a bunch of keywords and provide a landing page and away you go. But this approach will give a lot of hit and miss results. If you want your campaign to be successful then you need to understand all the ingredients that go into making that awesome dish. Start with keyword research and target the right keywords, remove negative keywords, then setup a landing page that is well laid out and built with a good, clear call-to-action and optimized for conversions. Get the basics right and you can get better results
13) Lisa Sicard | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram |
Lisa Sicard |
When starting to use PPC ads you may want to outsource this as it can a complicated task. You must know many keywords for your product or blog. You must also know the negative keywords.
This can take a lot of time to do the research. But it can be done. When searching for keywords I love using Google Trends and seeing what is up and coming for keywords for a product or post. After you do your first campaign you can use the Google keyword planner.
Be prepared to revise along the way and stay on top of your campaign daily to avoid paying a lot for your PPC campaign.
14) Mark Hultgren | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Mark Hultgren |
While there are several different PPC networks you can spend your advertising budget at, the most important part of any ad campaign is finding the audience that is actually interested in your product or service. It is simply throwing money away to launch a wide reaching ad campaign to a broad audience.
Use tools to fine tune your audience by demographics before you even start your ad campaign. Then once you have your target audience defined, start small with a couple versions of a test ad and then refine them to find your optimum returns before your increase your ad spend.
We prefer to start with a minimal daily budget for the first week or two and use the results of the first week to fine tune the ads for the second week. At the end of the second week, we will compare the results of the original ads (still running) and the modified ads and pick the best performing ads (2 or 3 max) and then increase our ad spend on those ads for the final two weeks of our campaigns.
15) Shobha Ponappa | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Shobha Ponappa |
Spend less bucks. Spend just a few minutes more making PPC ads more innovative. And hugely bump up profitability!
It’s no secret that millions of dollars are spent every day on PPC ads, but if you go through the ads, you see the same repetitive formula with no originality in the advertising copy.
Since I come from an advertising copywriting background, one of the first ideas that came to mind is that if I can get more innovative with my ads, I can get away by spending less on PPC.
Further, I could see that if my ads were not genuinely creative – and differentiated from competition – CTR suffers, quality score suffers, cost per click suffers and cost per conversion suffers.
I hired experts to buy my PPC campaigns and manage them, but I wrote the copy myself.
Out of all the experiments I made that were very successful for me were these three:
1. I used the time-tested advice of my first big boss David Ogilvy (the greatest advertising guru of all time!) to always locate the “consumer benefit” in my offer and avoid the “manufacturer’s claim”. This means you should look for keywords to target that are consumer pain-points. Make that the main story – and offer your solution as an answer. Too often PPC ads target the solution keywords, and make the benefit the second line – which is the upside-down attitude that gets nowhere with customers. An example: Don’t target “soft shoe insoles” as your keywords … target “painful feet”. You get far better CTR.
2. Put an active verb in the headline of the PPC ad. For example if your ad is about your Ghost Blogging Service, avoid a headline like “Ghost Blogging Service” and instead say “Hire a ghost!” Since your ad is already on the “ghost blogging” keyword SERP, most people would know the ghost here relates to blogging, and we are not talking of any dead ancestors. This one trick gave me a definite 125%-150% engagement improvement.
3. Finally, A/B testing of ad copy is a best practice that helps you succeed beyond expectations. There’s no substitute for learning from your mistakes and sharpening your acumen for writing compelling PPC ads. In such a small space, and with so few words at your disposal, every character you use – even a comma or a full stop – can make a huge difference to results. There’s no shortcut to testing. Further, the unspoken benefit of A/B testing is also that you start evolving your own copy style, which helps you eventually stand out very sharply from the crowd.
16) Ryan Biddulph | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Ryan Biddulph |
Ryan Tweet
Know your audience inside out. All ad campaigns work if you get fully clear on the person you intend to reach with your campaign. Develop an avatar. See the person clearly. List their likes and dislikes. The clearer you get on your ideal audience member the more easily you can build a clear, focused, profitable PPC campaign.
17) Abhishek Jain | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | YouTube | Google+ | Instagram |
Abhishek Jain |
Starting with PPC is never easy but if you are starting then keep two things in mind, First is your audience and second is the convertible crisp landing page.
Anyone can start PPC by keeping in mind the purpose. It can be anything like signup for a course, affiliate link or whatever it may be. The purpose should be clear and the landing page must describe that without any hesitation.
Next Factor is your Budget, how much you can spend and what is the worth of your converting product. You must bifurcate the budget into different ad groups that can help you understand the performance and you can switch to the best performing Ad Group. Good Luck!
18) Nadav Dakner | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Nadav Dakner |
It’s important to remember that Adwords is not a miracle cure for your business. Think for yourself what do you want to get out of advertising, views, clicks, visits orders and how much you can pay, test it and calculate if ROI is turning out to be alright.But more than everything, invest in proper UX, fast loading and appealing design or there won’t be any conversions.
19) Zubin Kutar | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Zubin Kutar |
This is one of the most critical aspects of any campaign , you need to ensure that the landing page is optimized to render on all devices and across all browsers, without which you are not going to get any leads or maxzimize your ROI.
20) Oleg Calugher | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
Oleg Calugher |
Starting out with PPC can be expensive, but it does not have to be that way. There are several platforms for PPC like adwords, facebook ads, stumbleupon ads, reddit ads – where you can contact their support representative and get discount coupons. They also provide $50 to $100 worth of vouchers which can be used to test out their systems.
So, as a newbie – you don’t need to burn money, you can get started for free and test out PPC and make sure that it works – before putting some real money of yours.
21) Philip V Ariel | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn |
Philip V Ariel |
Keywords are very important here. Select relevant keywords and be sure about it spelled correctly or not if a small typo can make a big difference.
Again try with more general keywords, of course, don’t pack it with more keywords instead try with fewer keywords and stick to general keywords.Add eye capturing brief sentence as the title which entices browsers to jump into your site. Yes, that one line title impresses people to click and that ultimately divert to conversion and revenue.
22) Ben Austin | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Google+ | Instagram | Tumblr |
Ben Austin |
ben tweet
There always seems to be a magical combination of a great headline and curiosity sparking artwork for creating the highest converting ads. You’ll never find the magical combination unless you get lucky or do A/B split tests.”
23) Darcy Grabenstein | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | | LinkedIn |
Darcy Grabenstein |
If you don’t already have Google AdWords certification, go for it! My focus is copywriting, but getting certified (it’s free) gave me a much deeper understanding of the PPC process.
24) Issac Bullen | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Issac Bullen |
My top tip would be to get conversion tracking setup from the get go. Being able to see which search terms are bringing you leads or sales will allow you to optimise your campaign and improve ROI. Another tip would be to setup remarketing lists in Google Analytics. Even if you are not ready to use them, start populating lists for future use. Remarketing via Google Display Network is ridiculously cheap compared with what you’d have paid to appear in Google search, is great for branding and gives you another pop at potential clients / conversions.
25) Kash Lalka | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | YouTube |
Kash Lalka |
The best way to get a positive ROI on your investment in PPC ads is to make sure that you have a website that captures leads/interests. That way you will get a continous flow of traffic and interested leads over a period of time from the email list. I have a ROI of $5 for each email subscriber over a period of one year. So I can pay upto $5 per lead. This make it easy for me to focus on PPC ads and leverage it to increase my traffic and sales. The best I have seen so far are Bing ads. Google ads used to be great but the sheer amount of competition there has made the ROI negative. I have tried Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook ads for my various projects and the best so far is Facebook Ads.
26) Nate Shivar | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Google+ |
Nate Shivar |
There are two big unknowns in paid search. First, you don’t know exactly what people are searching for. Second, you don’t know exactly which keywords will be profitable for your campaign. The solution is to think of PPC like fishing. If you take your rod / reel to a small patch of water – you might be unlucky. But if you trawl a net all the time, you’ll generate a lot of waste. Combine the two.
Use an ad group with modified broad match as your “net” to trawl all possible keywords. As you find potentially profitable keywords, move them to an ad group with exact match only. Be sure to add the exact match as negative keywords in the modified broad match group. Ruthlessly add negative modifiers to your modified broad match group. Test as many ads and bids as you can in the exact match group. Stay consistent with the process over time.
27) Ottomatias Peura | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn | Tumblr |
Ottomatias Peura |
When you are trying to generate new traffic to your website, be it with PPC campaigns or other means, make sure your traffic is of high quality. Getting more traffic is simple and often very cheap.
Not only spam bots but also very non-relevant visitors are worth nothing. Yeah, your graphs will look nicer and your figures will be higher but you won’t be creating any business from those visitors.
All good PPC networks offer you great options for targeting your ads. Spend time to experiment and test different messages for different target groups. This shouldn’t even be considered optimizing – the first 3 rounds of revising your campaigns should be considered only the creating of the campaign.
Follow pages/session, bounce rate, session duration and of course conversion rates. How do they differ between different targeting option? Are there differences between ad texts? Do the ad texts perform differently on different channels or target groups? Does some of your landing pages perform badly?
The best PPC campaigner is not the one who can create the most creative and best-performing campaign on the first try. It’s the one who tries (and fails) the most.
28) Quentin Aisbett | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Quentin Aisbett |
Quentin tweet
By using Google’s ad extensions you can claim extra real estate in the ad results. This will improve your Click Through Rate and we know this will lead to a better Quality Score. A high Quality Score will lower your Cost Per Clicks and improve your ROI.
But don’t just use any extension. You should use an extension that is compelling and actionable. This will ensure that you not only improve your Quality Score but attract more qualified visitors to your site.
29) Russell Lobo | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | LinkedIn |
Russell Lobo |
Long Answer: The biggest problem that I find when people put ads is they go where the clicks are the cheapest. The thing is that it does not make sense to get 10,000 people to your website at a low cost if none is your target audience. So the first step you need to do is understand where your potential audience and where they are based and tehn understand how you can target them via PPC ads. Another essential thing that someone starting out with PPC ads is that you should gather an email list. Focus the ad on creating a list rather than your product sale as they you can convert them better and you get a higher ROI.
30) Shamsudeen Adeshokan | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ |
Shamsudeen Adeshokan |
My number one PPC tip for beginners marketers is to know exactly what they intend to achieve from running the PPC ad campaign.
It is not enough to say I want more traffic to my website so I need to invest in advertising. No, that’s a kind of generic marketing goal. With a business goal like that you will burn your advertising budget faster than you think without achieving any meaningful marketing result.
You’ll need to be more specific and narrow down your marketing goal at that point in time.
Think about your business current status and value. What’s the one thing that will help move your business growth further?
Is it brand awareness?
Getting more email subscribers?
Making more money?
Getting more engagements on published posts? Etc.
Identifying the one area you’ll need to invest your marketing budget on will help you in getting the rest of the PPC ad campaign tasks right. And at the end you’ll be able to track your ad performance knowing what works from what is not.
31) Tara Jacobsen | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Tara Jacobsen |
I use the keywords feature to run my PPC ads on Pinterest, targeting a HUGE number of words (75+) to get the broadest reach. There is not an elegant way to find them, but start thinking about what your audience is looking for rather than what you are trying to sell! Because Pinterest is a “dreaming” platform, know that your PPC efforts are to get them to pin something for later and might not be immediately trackable. The viral reach of spending just five or ten dollars to get a pin rolling is incredible! One of the pins I promoted is sitting out there on 10K+ boards, just waiting to send traffic to my website!
32) John Sonmez | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn |
John Sonmez |
Make sure you have an existing, tested and working funnel before you start putting money into PPC. PPC can be a great accelerator if you already have a funnel that is highly profitable and you need to drive more traffic to it, but it can also be a great accelerator for losing money if you don’t. PPC ads are not the best way to test your funnel. You should already have a tested funnel that is generating a healthy enough profit to at least break even with your ads–which it much more difficult than you might think.
Also consider being very narrow in the audience you advertise to by matching them as closely as possible to your existing customers.
33) Zach Heller | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Zach Heller |
Joe The Goat Farmer
The biggest mistake most people make when they’re starting out is focusing all of their time on what happens outside of their own website. While the ad content (copy and design in some cases) is important to get users to click through, the one thing that is going to make or break a campaign is what happens next. Testing unique landing pages that match the messaging of your ads and are optimized to get that user to take action (whatever the goal may be – sale, signup, donation, etc.) is the only way to succeed. Here are some great landing page tips I’ve published previously –
34) Allan Pollett | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Allan Pollett |
There are many things you can do to optimize your Adwords campaign once it is up and running but often the biggest challenge is just setting up the campaign in the first place. Setting up the initial campaign can be very time consuming and there are many hurtles a newbie must over come to understand even the basics of the set up process. My tip helps to avoid this hassle and get past the initial set up process. Google wants to sell ads and they are very willing to help as a result. Often if you contact their sells reps you can request that they can set up the campaign for you. Also, if you are new they will even give a coupon worth $20 to $50 in Adwords spend. As a result you will get a professionally set up campaign and some extra money to spend without having to waste your time and energy trying to do keyword research, write ads, set budgets and so forth. Once the campaign is set you can then use the other tips and tricks to further enhance your campaign.
35) Christian Wenzel | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Christian Wenzel |
My best tip for new advertisers launching their first campaign is to not go crazy by bidding on thousands of keywords right from the start. Create your account with one campaign and 5-10 ad groups that each contain 5-10 keywords. These should be carefully selected keywords that best represent the content of your webpage. Keywords should be broad match modified and conversions tracking is a must. Without it, you won’t be able to properly measure and grow your campaigns out.
36) Felix Tarcomnicu | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Felix Tarcomnicu |
Online marketing is not an exact science, so what works for some, might not work as well for other businesses. When you are launching a PPC campaign for the first time, set a budget limit and then compare the results with what you got from a different channel. For example, you can compare the results and ROI from Adwords vs Facebook. Always do your own tests to see what works well for your niche and particular business.
37) Jaime Buckley | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Jaime Buckley |
When people do research, many get obsessed with top placement, CTR, adding negative keywords and trying to figure out the ad extensions available. But if I were to share a single tip, it would be figuring out the commercial intent of your chosen keyword. Quality trumps quantity, so don’t obsess about how many clicks a keyword will get and focus on conversion instead. The last thing you want to do is waste your budget, especially starting out, so make sure your keywords have value!
38) Lilach Bullock | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | LinkedIn |
Lilach Bullock |
Long version: When you’re creating a PPC ad, you need to make sure that the promise you made in it matches the landing page you’re sending people to. Will visitors get what they were promised in the ad? If they don’t, they’ll most likely be put off by your business in leave your website: always make sure your ads are consistent with your landing pages.
39) Nick Ker | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Nick Ker |
Avoid using the “broad match” keywords until you understand how Adwords keyword match types work.Signing up for Adwords, writing a few ads and dropping in your list of keywords is easy, but it is also a sure way to waste much of your budget on irrelevant searches. By default, Adwords assumes that you want to use Broad matching of your keywords to phrases people actually search. That means ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. That sounds good in theory, but in practice, Adwords often shows ads for phrases which are just barely relevant. When adding keywords to your Adwords Search campaign, start with one of the other matching options, such as Phrase match which offers much more precise targeting, or Exact match which will show ads only for the exact keyword and very close variants of it. More details about Match Types can be found in Google’s Adwords Help.
40) Rachit Singh | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn |
Rachit Singh |
I’d advise the starters to always keep an eye on analytics and keep experimenting to figure out what works out perfectly for that brand. An ad copy that is working for a rival website might not work for you and vice versa. So, regardless of how many hours you put into creating an AD, if it fails to perform, don’t stick to it.
Always keep split testing our copy. You can do it by either changing headlines, or the entire ad copy or even the CTA. Sure, the headline does matter a lot, but AD copy has a huge impact or CTR as well.
41) Tom Pick | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Tom Pick |
PPC campaigns can be very profitable. But they can also quickly burn up your investment with little or no return if not properly managed. Before launching your campaign, add negative keywords to exclude certain searches (“free” and “job” are common negative keywords). Once launched, keep a close eye on results for the first several weeks. On a regular basis, set the date range to the time frame since your last check. Then, in “All Campaigns” go to the Keywords tab and click Details…All to see the exact phrases driving clicks on your ads. Look for any additional negative keywords you should add, to exclude searches that aren’t likely to drive results for you.
42) William Harris | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
William Harris |
You won’t be successful on ads if you don’t know your customers. You need to put the time in early to figure out who your customers are – even go as far as building out some customer personas. This will help you identify the right keywords, pain points, targeting, social channels, and so much more – which will make your ads perform much more profitably.
43) Adarsh M | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Instagram |
Adarsh M |
If we have a limited budget, we should think about a cost effective ad campaign with high CTR (Click Through Rate) for the ads. And the best way to increase CTR is to write the best ad copies. The ad copies you write should be attractive and related to the keyword. Because it’s the quality that increases the CTR of every ad campaign.
44) Craig Campbell | Blog | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Craig Campbell |
My main tip and one that I see many people doing is just setting up a campaign without and real thought or strategy behind it. One of the most common problems I find is people set up campaigns and everything is set up on broad match search terms, and on a quick glance, this can look effective, plenty of impressions and clicks.
But are these actually clicks that are relevant, so I tighten up campaigns using a mix of broad, phrase and exact match keywords so that we are getting our ads shown to the right type of audience.
I would go as far to say I would initially set up a tight campaign on phrase and exact match, and see how that works first, before including a few broad matches just to see how things go. That way you won’t waste too much budget.
45) James McAllister | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ |
James McAllister |
Anybody who’s spending time or money advertising needs to have a thorough understanding of what it is their customers what, the reasons why they would want to buy, and the hidden objections they’re not telling you. You may be quite surprised with what you find out.
I go to great lengths to get a better understanding of our customers at every step in the sales cycle – from implementing live chat on our store to reaching out after the purchase and rewarding customers for sharing their thoughts. Not only does it increase conversions in the short-term, but the data we collect is priceless.
So how does this relate to PPC? Well, when you know all of these desires or objections that your customers have, you can handle them in your advertising. Our highest ROI ad campaigns come from Facebook retargeting and dynamic product ads, where we’re able to handle all of their concerns in the ad copy, build the perceived value of the product up and then make it easy to buy.
As we’ve gotten a better and better understanding of our market, our ROI has only continued to go up across the board.”
46) JV Crum | Blog | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
JV Crum |
“Laser focus on #1 problem your client wants solved using their exact words to describe it.”
47) Manidipa Bhaumik | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Manidipa Bhaumik |
PPC ads can be overwhelming for any newbie. If not done in the right manner, it may turn out to be a costly affair instead of giving returns. It might seem like preparing an ad copy with some keywords. However, it is way more than that.
Identifying the buyer intent keywords and preparing a compelling ad copy is the key. At the same, you must also try to maximize the conversion. It is not about how many clicks your ad gets, instead one should focus on increasing the return on investment.
Also, try to keep your daily budget low at the beginning. Once your ad is improvized to give better result, you can gradually increase the limit.
Finally consider spending some time analyzing your ad performance. You don’t master in the first attempt. So test and tweak your ad, until it’s done right.
48) Paramjot Singh | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook |
Paramjot Singh |
It doesn’t matter you ranked on search engines or not.
If you have run PPC ads program, then it is possible to make double of your investment very quickly and easily.
I remember when I run an Adwords PPC for one my affiliate product, then I made approx $800 only by investing $100.
Okay, You asked me, What is my number one tip to start PPC ads, Right?
Okay, let me tell you what I always consider before starting any PPC ads program;
The tip is, Always do Keyword Research, and Title should be Call to Action.
For example;
If you want to promote Maggie Noodles, then the title should be like this: – “Maggie Noodles: 50% Discount Only for Today.”
Now, just imagine, you’re a visitor, and want to buy Maggie Noodles, then how can you ignore above title?
You’ll surely click on that title, Right?
So, this is my very honest tip to run successful PPC ads program.
And, I’m damn sure, If you run any PPC ads after proper keyword research, then you’re going to rock.
49) Sashidhar Kareti | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube |
Sashidhar Kareti |
It’s all the game of keywords. When you target a keyword, you target a family of them with close co-relation.
50) Praveen Verma | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn
Praveen Verma |
When it comes to PPC on social sites like Facebook then personal connections and recommendations works out best. Instead of using a model to sell your things – using a popular and influencer person from your niche might work far better in building a brand that people trusts.
51) Umesh Singh | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Umesh Singh |
Want to increase conversion? Send your visitors to the right place. #compellingadcopy
I have two advice for you when you are a beginner and going to use PPC first time.
First, build a list of keywords that has buyer intent to maximize your conversion. Using those keywords create a compelling title that users can’t stop themselves but click.
The second tip is, create compelling ad copy that leads to relevant landing pages.
If you do these two things right nothing can stop your PPC campaign become successful.
52) Yatin Khulbe | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Yatin Khulbe |
Direct your prospects to the landing page, not your homepage. When the person clicks your ad, make sure to maintain the sequence. Don’t trap your audience in an alien environment where the outcome doesn’t align with their expectations. In that scenario, they have no other option other than leaving the page. It not only drops the sales or subscription or inquiry opportunity but also damages the brand value. With no clear goals, don’t expect any productive outcomes. Before injecting money, plan the linkage between your ad and landing page. Visitors don’t give a toss about you. They click the ads with the hope of solving their issues, not listening to your vision. To maintain familiarity, match the ad keywords with your landing page headline. Make it easy for your audience because they have short attention span.
53) Ben Wynkoop | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Ben Wynkoop |
Ben tweet
Whether it is daily or weekly, check the Search terms report under the Keywords tab and add well-performing search terms to your campaigns that are not already being specifically targeted. Well-performing search terms can be a term that you believe is highly relevant or is performing well regarding the number of clicks, cost-per-click, or conversions. Secondly, add terms that are irrelevant as negative keywords.
54) Janice Wald | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
I realize many people prefer Google Adwords, but there is a main reason I prefer gives you a designated account manager. A monetization coach who has the same goal you do– to see you make money from PPC. The coach and I collaborate toward this goal. I take the coach’s advice, and he respects my input. For this reason and the ease of its use, I recommend
55) Lorainne Reguly | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Lorainne Reguly |
Rather than trying to earn from PPCs, which will yield you only a small amount of earnings, try generating income from:
– selling your services
– creating and selling products (digital products are best, such as e-courses, e-books, print books, video courses, etc.)
– affiliate sales (find others’ products and promote them)
You will be better off in the long run!
56) Nisha Pandey | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Nisha Pandey |
When you use exact and phrase match keywords, you are limiting which clicks and impressions your ads qualify for. In other words, this is higher level of focused targeting. It is also going to boost your clickthrough rates (and with high quality clicks). This strategy helps you focus on the most relevant search terms. The eventual result will be in the form of increased ROI and conversion rates. Using this strategy will also help you get the most out of your ad budget.
57) Sean Si | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Sean Si |
“Well if you’re really starting out with PPC, my personal advice is for you to study up. A good starting point would be Penny Marshall’s book on Google Adwords. They have a hands-on approach within the book that helps you get a foothold on how PPC should be done.
Apart from that, another practical advice that I would give to starters is: don’t be afraid to spend. Spend to get more clicks but analyze the data daily so that you don’t throw away money needlessly.”
58) Vashishtha Kapoor | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn |
Vashishtha Kapoor |
While making any PPC campaign live, I make sure I have enough compelling title and CTA for a good ROI. And that landing page has to be reviewed by my marketing team.
59) Ahfaz Ahmed | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
The most important tip I can give is that your ad copy should be attractive. Even if you’re at the top of your competition, you will lose clicks if your copy is not good. Make sure to create attention-grabbing title and meta description.
And if you don’t know which title will perform better, do a split test. Creating multiple variations makes it easier to figure out which ad is performing well.
Testing different ad variations may cost you a little extra money but it’s totally worth it. Remember: The end goal is conversions.
So, if your ad is ranking at the top but people are not clicking on it, it’s a total waste of money. Always split test and create an attractive ad copy.
60) Ravi Roshan Jaiswal | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
Ravi Roshan Jaiswal |
Ravi tweet
Do your keyword research via. tools and multiple PPC platforms, even use data from your Google analytics and tools like UberSuggest etc. Put all your keyword data on file and have them ready before you start your campaign.
Don’t be dependent on the keywords that are being provided by the platform, use the data across all platforms to make sure your keyword data is comprehensive.
61) Euan Brock | Blog | Twitter | LinkedIn |
Euan Brock |
I am a firm believer that in this current AdWords climate where there is more competition than ever before, standing out from the crowd is critical. Having a specific USP and making sure people know about it helps differentiate you in the SERPs will definitely encourage and lure people to your website.
62) James Norquay | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
James Norquay |
Don’t just focus on head terms, target long tail terms for PPC campaigns.
63) Minuca Elena | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Minuca Elena |
There are a number of platforms you can do PPC ads on for example Facebook Ads, Search ads on Google Adwords and Bing ads and Native ads on platforms like Taboola and Outbrain. You can also access a huge number of websites via display ads on Google and Bing affiliated websites.
The main thing is to understand what is the goal and how much you will be earning. If the return on your investment is positive you can run an ad indefinitely so that should be your main focus i.e. Keep an eye on the ROI and try your best to keep it positive.
64) Marcus Miller | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Marcus Miller |
Every week we speak to a business that has tried PPC but failed to generate any results. This can lead businesses to believe that PPC does not work or is not right for them. There are cases where this is true and where competition is fierce or it is just not a good fit. However, in most cases, this comes down to the implementation and often problems with expectations.
But of course – PPC can and does work but it must be implemented with care and accurately measured. Advertisers must consider what they are looking to achieve with their ads and what success looks like. Are you looking to drive awareness? For engagement with your content? Or is this purely about leads and sales? Clearly understanding your goals is critical to ensure you can accurately determine success.
Once you are crystal clear on what you are looking to achieve and how to measure success then you can start to consider putting your campaign together. To do this you have to consider the four main components of your approach:
Search Terms
Search Advert
Landing Page
Call to Action & Lead Generation
Only by looking at each of these of key areas will you build a campaign that delivers the goods and takes a user from click an initial search right through to generating a lead. And this only happens consistently when we consider the intent behind the search and the entire user journey. By closely ensuring you understand the intent. That your advert, landing page and call to action maps to this intent. Will you drive lead generation. Only by being crystal clear on your goals and strategy will you get to this point.
To help ensure success for new advertisers I have published a free PPC strategy guide that helps you look at everthing from PPC strategy to constructing your campaign.
65) Nora Dunn | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Nora Dunn |
The best advice I got when I was growing my website was from a fellow who worked in advertising, helping
people to monetize their websites with PPC ads. I asked him what I could do to start making some income with my site,
and he said “get a following! You won’t make any money until you have a solid base of traffic coming to your site.” So
on his advice, I just kept doing what I was doing, and as my traffic increased, so too did my PPC ad income from
Adsense. Years later I was approached by a PPC ad network that has ended up being considerably more lucrative than
Adsense was, and I’m enjoying the passive income as I continue to focus on producing excellent content.
66) Richard Meyer | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Richard Meyer |
Richard Tweet
You have to fight for attention so test your ads and optimize them continually.
67) Niraj Ranjan Rout | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Niraj Ranjan Rout |
Visitors are only interested in knowing how your product can help them. They don’t care about your product’s features or qualities. So, it is critical that you keep the PPC copy customer focused. The best way to go about this is to identify your USPs and identify something your customers hates the most, then connect both in a way that your USP solves the problem that they hate the most.
Make it a point to keep the copy relatable and conversational. Ensure that you use a tone that is relevant to customers and avoid words like our, we, our product and us, instead use words like you, yours, your business etc. to keep the copy strongly focused on the visitors.
68) Robin Khokhar | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Robin Khokhar |
“If someone is new to PPC and wants to good at it then my biggest advice to that person will be that he chooses those keywords which have high traffic and matches the site’s content and eventually leading to the landing Page.
69) Sudhir Shukla | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Sudhir Shukla |
Recently, I ran a product selling PPC ad for one of my clients. So I target all possible buyer intent keywords and this time I also tried to target my audience geographically by country. The result was amazing, got many sales in short time and low budget. So I strongly recommend to all, follow this strategy and get tremendous result.
Apart form this, keep an eye on what your competitors are doing which are ranking on the top. Follow them and beat them, That’s it.
70)Charles NGO | Blog | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Snapchat | LinkedIn |
Charles NGO |
“Most people ignore the biggest part of a campaign – the angle.
What’s an angle?
It’s how you approach your campaigns from a higher creative level.
Let’s use female dating as an example.
Most people would split test headlines, ad copy, images etc.
What would angles be in this vertical?
– Rich guys
– Geeky guys
– Sporty guys
– Guys in uniform
– Guys who love animals
In this example you would tailor everything about your ad back to the angle.
Your image would be an athletic guy, your headline and ad copy would reference that the site has fit men.
You can test multiple angles for your product/vertical and see which ones work best so you know where to focus.
THEN you can start testing individual elements like headlines, images etc.
71) Ashutosh Jha | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Ashutosh Jha |
For the newbie, creating a campaign is bit a tough job on any platform. So the best way I think to start with is, read some good tutorials, watch videos by experts like how they do.
Still, theoretical and practical knowledge are two different things and so if you need help in setting up the campaign, connect to the sales/support team of the ad network.
They will not only help you to setup the beneficial campaign but also will help you to optimize it.
If you are the first time user, you may also ask for some coupons which will be an extra flavor.
Another big challenge I see is the landing page. We should design the LP very carefully. If you are experienced in that, it’s great else use any template builder for that.
Also, you should keep on monitoring your campaign and set a daily limit. It’s better if you do prepaid PPC initially instead of postpaid to avoid any miss happening.
72) Atish Ranjan | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn |
Atish Ranjan |
Choose the Keywords wisely based on their search volume, competition, Bid Amount, and Quality Score.
73) David C Aaronson | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Tumblr | LinkedIn |
David C Aaronson |
Always use PPC for the most profitable product or service and be sure to have a proper special landing page.
74) Harris Schachter | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Harris Schachter |
My number one tip for someone just starting out with PPC ads depends on the channel. For SEM (paid search) it is by far to look at the search terms report within adwords to see the difference between what you’re bidding on and what’s bringing traffic. For Facebook PPC, my tip is to think small and focus on one target persona at a time. Too many folks go for the biggest reach possible but end up falling on deaf ears.
75) Jeff Ferguson | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Jeff Ferguson |
Jeff Tweet
There’s a great statistic that Google throws around occasionally that anywhere between 15-20% of the searches done on their search engine on a given day have never been done before. I love that statistic because it means that any PPC “expert” that thinks they got all the terms they possibly can after a round of research during the start of a new campaign is officially 100% incorrect. Every single day, there’s a chance for a new term they didn’t catch the first time.
So, what do you do? You use the best of both match type worlds!
Some call them “mirror” campaigns, others “alpha” and “beta” campaigns. No matter what you call them, the idea is the same. One campaign is loaded with your exact match terms and another separate “mirror” campaign includes the same terms on phrase and/or broad match. Using the shared library negatives, you negative out the exact match terms from the phrase/broad campaign so that campaign just sits there and discovers “everything else” while the exact match campaign does the heavy lifting. Then, on a regular schedule, you mine the Search Term Report under Keywords and hunt for winners and losers. Winners are terms that have caused a conversion – they get moved over to the exact match campaign for better control (bids, ads, etc.), then you negative them out of the phrase/shared side. Losers are those that have spent a pre-determined amount without any conversions – those get added to the Shared Library negatives so they don’t hurt anyone again.
Your campaign will continue to grow and continue to optimize almost automatically.
76) Jen April | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Jen April |
New to PPC? Match your ad to your landing page in language, offer, and appearance. If you’re new to PPC, there’s a lot to learn. Understanding what makes a “good” and competitive keyword strategy is important, of course. But it all means nothing if you don’t have a strong offer that matches your landing page (and has your ideal client in mind.)
77) Louie Luc | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Louie Luc |
If you’re just starting with PPC ads the most important factor to keep in mind is your campaign targeting.
If done right, you’ll be much closer to success; if not, you’ll most probably fail… big time.
Don’t mind if your reach seems too low after applying your targeting filters.
The more specific your target audience is, the higher the chances they’ll respond to your ads.
Another factor to consider is your campaign objective and the action you want to get back from your target audience.
The lighter the action (like driving website traffic) the easier it is if you don’t have enough brand recognition and trust. On the flip side, the heavier the action the more brand recognition and trust you will need. (Meaning you should start by creating campaigns to build trust to your brand before anything else.)
78) Marius Kiniulis | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Marius Kiniulis |
Before you set up a pay per click campaign you need to have well defined conversion goals. What do you want to accomplish? What action do you want visitors to take when they land on your website?
79) Seb Brantigan | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Seb Brantigan |
People don’t care about features, and they don’t remember facts. They want to know in plain English how your offer can benefit them. If someone can’t clearly understand how their life will be better with your product, you’ve lost.
Better yet, if you can create the feeling that the person is losing out by NOT owning your product, they are more likely to take action on your offer. Pain avoidance is a powerful way to get people’s attention. Show a benefit, then paint a picture of a painful scenario that can be taken away by your product.
80)Tony John | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Tony John |
“Match Type” is one of the key factors that are often paid less attention while setting up PPC ads with Google AdWords. I have learnt from my experience that Exact Match type could produce the best results, if planned carefully. Many times I have experimented with Broad Match type as well and it is ideal if your client doesn’t want to lose any opportunity for conversions. I would recommend you set up separate ads with Exact Match and broad Match keywords and see which one works better for you.
81) David Krauter | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+ |
David Krauter |
david tweet
Pick the right budget and PPC media! Too many small business owners don’t understand what’s involved with a PPC campaign, so it’s important to set budget and attach goals to these budgets. The second things that is tied to this and equally as important is picking the right media within PPC. Google’s Ad network alone has different channels eg. Display Network, Retargeting, Search Engine PPC & now Local Maps PPC.
So if you’re a national company but there is opportunity it’s important to ensure you’ve also got a local presence and dedicate part of your budget into the Google Snack Pack advertising channels.
However if you’re a national company and no one would ever look for you on a local level, don’t choose this media channel.
So it comes back to the goals and budget you’re wanting to allocate to your campaign combined with the right media that is the number 1 first and best step to take before embarking on a PPC campaign.
82) Jennifer Shambroom | Blog | Twitter | Google+Bill Tweet | LinkedIn |
Jennifer Shambroom |
With users increasingly searching for and accessing everything – websites, social networks, email – via mobile devices, all PPC campaigns should be mobile-optimized to take advantage of the growth marketing opportunities available via mobile platforms and devices.
83)Jeremy Rivera | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Jeremy Rivera |
It’s really common for businesses to have goals incorrectly configured, and even more common for Adwords to not be correctly tracking conversions. If you don’t double and triple check your implementation then you’re not going to get proper conversion optimization. You’ll end up spending on useless keywords and paying for traffic that doesn’t make you revenue.
84) Jignesh Padhiyar | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Never jump with all your money without understanding your audience or suitable channel for your business, PPC is not the magic.
85) Marc Mawhinney | Blog | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook |Google+ | LinkedIn |
Marc Mawhinney |
Too many people see PPC ads as an opportunity to tell the world how great they are. People don’t care about you or your backstory. They only care about the results that you’ll help them make. Turn your attention to them and speak to their fears. Look at your ad as if you’re in your prospects shoes, and you’ll get much better results!
86) Jerry Low | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ |
Jerry Low |
It’s important to have your roadmap to victory in PPC game. Putting up an ad and driving targeted traffic to your site is only part of the game. Sure achieving cheapest CPC or highest CTR in your niche is important. But if your PPC campaign is not improving your bottom line (PROFIT!) then there’s no point in running any campaign at all.
87) Matthew Capala | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Matthew Capala |
It’s important to understand that you should be always trying to identify and optimize a small group of ‘money keywords’ in Adwords at the outset – i.e. the keywords that drive the highest number of conversions, leads or sales for your business. Once you got some performance data your job is to identify the 20% of keywords that drive 80% performance. Second, group these high-performing keywords into separate AdGroups and allocate more budget to these terms. You should also always rote the ads that are very highly-relevant to your money keywords.
88) Jason Hulott | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
jason tweet
The main advice for a PPC beginner is not to simply send traffic to your homepage, which a lot of new campaigners do as they feel it is quick and easy.
Make sure you divide up your keywords and look to send them to the most specific page possible. Even if that means creating a page just for them.
The better the landing page, the higher the quality score and better the conversion should be.
89) Jasper Oldersom | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | LinkedIn |
Jasper Oldersom |
“Know your target audience. Do research first so you can prospect and write ad copy that speaks to their needs.”
90)Sathish Arumugam | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Sathish Arumugam |
The PPC is a good method to reach the target audience very easily. I request you. do PPC Advt Campaign with a small investment. This would give the results quickly than the other method. The money spent would give the real results than the other free mysterious techniques.
Try the platform which has only less crowd. This may have less competition and have great value indeed. I often try Bing Advertisement first before trying the Google Advt program. This helps me get a better result than the other PPC network. This is my simple trick for the people to try out and experiment with it.
91) Jim Anderson | Blog | Twitter | Google+ |
Jim Anderson |
Always be changing your campaign. Out of all the keywords, only 20% to 40% may give you sales.Never be afraid to pause Keywords or AdGroups that are not delivering a positive ROI.
92) Matthew Laurin | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Matthew Laurin |
My tip would be do not ignore how PPC can fit into a holistic digital marketing strategy. Pay per click advertising is an incredibly useful channel but I see people spin their wheels by using it in isolation and not leveraging other channels.
For example a solid PPC campaign combined with email marketing, SEO, and an active social channel can reach people in a variety of different spaces. Data from these channels can also be mined and used elsewhere.
For instance when doing keyword research in Google’s keyword planner, the platform naturally groups keywords into logical categories called adgroups. This helps ads perform better because they are relevant to their respective groups of keywords. Coincidentally, this also creates lists of LSI keywords that can all be used on the same landing page in an organic search campaign.
Conversely, businesses can use organic traffic data from existing SEO efforts to learn which keywords convert better without having to pay an ad bill in order to work out the kinks. They can then use those phrases in their paid search campaigns.
If you’re brand new to PPC, don’t forget about all the other digital marketing channels that can help supplement and help support a paid search campaign.
93) Umair Maqsood | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Umair Maqsood |
My two cents worth for PPC start from the basic are for Quality Score. Google Search Ads are for Lead Generation and Google Display is good for Branding. When running Google Search Ad PPC campaigns, you need to make sure that your H1 heading should be similar to the Headline of your Ads. You should have your primary keywords in the H1 heading and the Headline of your Ads. This will result in better Quality Score of your Ad. Apart from that, one should always have a list of negative keywords even before running their ads. Further, it’s always better to break your campaigns into adgroups. Each Adgroup should have a specific objective and the keywords used in that adgroup should be used keeping in view the objective. Lastly, Personalized Landing pages for each adgroup are recommended for a better result. Lastly, always test your campaign because you won’t be able to get the best results right away, testing the key to making the campaign a success.
94) Team 3nions | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
If you want to see a raising graph in your online advertising campaign, it is a good idea to combine pay per click advertising with organic search marketing. When PPC and SEO is merged, it can result in a business dominating the top of Google search results, both in the organic results as well as the paid ads.
It increases the CTRs too. If the visitor notice that the brand has acquired both the locations i.e. Ads & Organic, they are more likely to click on your site. Thus, its a win win.
95) Jordan Caron | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
“Watch for wasted clicks. Google will rip you off if you don’t monitor your exact search terms. I see so many clients who have setup campaigns and use broad as the matching type for their keywords. But if you’re not careful, your ads will be displayed search queries you don’t want. So be sure to use the negative keywords section to stop your ad from triggering on words you don’t want. ”
96) Julian Sakanee | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
The ad is only the beginning. If you get a high CTR, great. But if your landing page is a piece of crap, then it’ll all be for nothing. So make sure you have a solid landing page.
97) Rafi Chowdhary | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Rafi Chowdhary |
Here’s the question: What is your number one Tip for someone starting with PPC ads. – Test with a small budget. See exactly what the competitors are doing and try to copy it. Optimize as you see results. This launch and feedback approach is the best way to proceed with ads, especially on Amazon. On Amazon, we also sometimes let the Auto campaign run on new products just so we can get some keyword ideas. From there, we launch a Manual campaign and optimize that based on the results from the Auto campaign.
98) Ben Brausen | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook LinkedIn |
When starting out, it can be easy to blow through your budget without getting the results you want. Start small and keep things very focused. Make modifications as things progress, to zero in on your target audience and get your program performing great. Once you’ve gotten great return with your small and tight program, slowly expand upon the solid structure you’ve built. This approach will prevent you from spending budget on ad groups and keywords that aren’t performing well or don’t bring the desired visitors to your site.
99) Bill Achola | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Bill Tweet
The first Roy’s restaurant opened in Honolulu, in 1988 and from the start, they were keen on using mobile-only search. Fast forward to 2010, Roy’s restaurants used PPC and their customer calls for information increased by 40%, which eventually led to 800% return on investment. Sounds unbelievable, right?
This, in any way, does not mean that Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing strategy is somehow a magical wand that is bound to increase your profits. There are many cases where companies have lost money on Google AdWords but a wisely devised strategy is bound to work for your business.
Mobile PPC
According to the Merkle’s Digital Marketing Report for the last quarter of 2016, the mobile share of organic search was on a constant rise throughout the year and was just under 51%. These numbers indicate that most of the people used their mobile devices than desktop computers to search. And as the number of mobile users increase with an estimated 6.1 billion users by 2020, it has become imperative that all internet marketing campaigns are optimized for mobile searches.
But how can you achieve this goal?
Click to Call
All ad campaigns should include the ‘click to call’ option. In this way, any mobile search user will be able to get in touch with you. All they would have to do is click the ad and they’ll immediately be connected to you via a phone call.
Interestingly, over half of the customers who clicked on mobile PPC, purchased the product right away. And with the increased use of PPC to promote content, it has become imperative that mobile PPC be taken more seriously. Ad extensions can be used to simplify the conversion of PPC into Mobile PPC.
Online Shopping > Retail shopping?
As businesses strive to sync consumers’ shopping experiences at brick and mortar stores and online stores, location based geo targeting is being used to display ads to consumers.
Optimizing PPC landing Pages
It’s no surprise that internet users have a short attention span that is still gradually decreasing. This makes it more important for landing pages to be optimized for portable devices. Once you get the hang of it, it can work wonders for your business.
Are these techniques the only way to increase your fan base? No, it isn’t!
Facebook is the king of social networks with more than 1.79 billion active users per month, as per the data collected by December 2016. And Alex Chris has the key to help you get more than 10,000 fans on your Facebook business page. But why is a Facebook page so important for your business? Simply because the more fans you have, the more popular your page will be considered, which will in turn attract new fans. He has explained the 10 steps required to increase the popularity of your business page on Facebook in detail.
100) Peter Banerjea | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google+
Peter Banerjea |
My number one tip for success is to understand your prospect. You need to have a clear idea of:
1. The persona – Define the person’s industry, company size, role in the organization, etc in a B2B market, and age,
interests, income level, gender, location etc. for B2C markets.”
2. Exactly what is the problem that they are facing that you intend to solve with your offering.
Only once you have a well-researched understanding of the above, will you be able to craft high-converting ads that
generate qualified leads. Forget the copy and the technicalities of the ad. All of that will fall into place if you
know your prospect well enough. Most companies make the mistake of giving the responsibility of creating PPC ads to
people who have very little understanding of the product, the persona and the market.
101) Ian Spencer | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Pay Per Click works best when you target correctly, so this means that you need to split your campaigns into the correct grouping and then make sure your adverts, landing page and keywords are all working along the same lines. For example, if you were an estate agent, then you should define your For Sale and For Rent campaigns separately, as this will mean they can have different landing pages, adverts and keywords. The main aim of PPC (and indeed any form of online marketing) is to take the user to best possible page, as this increases conversions as you cement the user journey and put them where they need to be quickly.
Campaigns often fail by taking someone to the wrong page, as you have bid on the wrong keywords or served the wrong advert, so by targeting and grouping correctly is the biggest thing to do when it comes to really making Pay Per Click work.
102)Nick Skillicorn | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Use the power of retargeting to serve ads to people based on what they have looked at on various parts of your website. This will tell you not only what sort of things they are interested in, but also at what stage of “ready to buy” scale they are. Serve them more customised, relevant ads based on their past behaviour, and it will result in a much higher likelihood that they will both understand and want what you are offering.
103) Chris Makara | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
Chris Makara |
When you first get started with PPC, you might think that you’ll just need to outbid everyone else to come out on top.
Unfortunately, that’s one of the quickest ways to burn through your budget. Instead of using that approach, you’ll want
to focus on improving your quality scores.
Quality score is the rating Google determines your quality and relevance of the keywords and ads. By having a higher
quality score, you will get higher ad rankings and lower costs.
This means that you’ll get more out of your PPC budget.
A few ways you can improve your quality scores are:
Using relevant keywords
Small and organized groups of keywords for your ad campaigns
Testing ad copy
Excluding negative keywords
Implementing these tweaks can help improve your quality scores and stretch your ad budget further.
Pay Per Click works best when you target correctly, so this means that you need to split your campaigns into the correct grouping and then make sure your adverts, landing page and keywords are all working along the same lines. For example, if you were an estate agent, then you should define your For Sale and For Rent campaigns separately, as this will mean they can have different landing pages, adverts and keywords. The main aim of PPC (and indeed any form of online marketing) is to take the user to best possible page, as this increases conversions as you cement the user journey and put them where they need to be quickly.
Campaigns often fail by taking someone to the wrong page, as you have bid on the wrong keywords or served the wrong advert, so by targeting and grouping correctly is the biggest thing to do when it comes to really making Pay Per Click work.
104) Tor Refsland | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn |
“The successful marketers know that paid advertising is the fastest way to grow your business.
Well, that is if you know what you are doing.
The most important metric to understand when it comes to PPC advertising (read: all type of paid advertising) is to know your numbers.
What do I mean?
You need to know your LTV: average lifetime value per customer. This will make or break your ad spend.
It basically comes down to understanding your whole funnel with all the conversion points, from opt-in, to all your sales points in your funnel.
If you know that an average customer stays with you for 3 years, and he / she on average spends $300 over that period of time, it means that your LTV is $300.
This means that you can actually spend $299 to acquire a new customer, and still have $1 in profit.
I am not saying that you should drive such drive such an aggressive campaign.
Look at the example below.
Let´s say that the average spend per customer per year is as following:
Year 1: $ 50
Year 2: $100
Year 3 $150
Your LTV is $300.
If you truly know your numbers, you can actually spend $150 to acquire a new customer. This will result in: -$100 in profit the first year, go break even the second year and have $150 in profit the third year.
Big companies know their numbers, and they are able to strategically spend a lot of money acquiring new customers, since they know they will earn it back longer down the road.
Few people really know their true numbers (read: LTV), and even fewer people have the b*lls to have a negative gross profit when aquireing new customers the first year, even though their numbers will tell them they will go break even the second year, and make profit in the third year.”
105) Susan Gunelius | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn | YouTube |
As a marketing communications expert, my PPC tip is about writing effective marketing messages. It’s essential that you match your ad copy to the buyer’s search. Include messages and a call to action that answer their primary question or solve their top pain point. Think about where they are in the marketing funnel and how far they’ve come in the buyer’s journey. For example, ad copy for a target audience who is in the early investigation phase of the buying lifecycle and at the top of the funnel should be very different from copy written for people who are close to the purchase decision point of the buying lifecycle and have reached the bottom of the funnel.
106)Brian Lang | Blog | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn |
Brian Lang |
Start with a small budget for each ad and be prepared to test multiple ads to find out which ones convert. Keep the highest converting ads and dump the losers.
107) James Reynolds | Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook | Google+ | YouTube |
James Reynolds |
James tweet
Focus on the bullseye.
For example:
If you had just one word or phrase to describe exactly what you do, what would it be? That’s your bullseye keyword.
What is the perfect location for your customers? Is it a particular city, suburb or precise coordinate? Wherever that place is, that’s your bullseye geo-targeting.
When you get started with PPC ads you should think of everything in terms of a bullseye; keywords, locations, interests, websites…everything.
Tip your money into the bullseye first, and once you have maximised your results, expand out from there.
Building up a winning PPC campaign involves a lot of planning, researching, organization and – of course – funding. That’s only one side of things, of course, because even the best PPC campaign is pretty useless if visitors aren’t impressed by your site after you pay for them to get there.
There are tremendous rewards to be had through a solid PPC campaign. Search engine users reward advertisers with relevant, timely and useful PPC campaigns. But those who attempt PPC without a good strategy in place can come to regret it quickly – usually as soon as the money runs out.